the voicemail playback.
“Please don’t tell me you broke the porcelain doll I bought for your niece.” Autumn folded her arms across her chest.
“Sorry.” He put the phone back in his pocket and inspected the bag with the doll. “No, it didn’t break.”
“You and your ex-wife sound like you’re close.”
He shrugged. “We’ve tried to be reasonable adults about the divorce and remain friends. She likes to keep in touch.”
“Yes, she likes to call with mysterious propositions.” Autumn bit her lip.
Out of nowhere, an older woman in hot pink culottes and a tie-dyed shirt approached them. “Would you like me to take a picture of you and your wife?”
“We’re not married,” they said in unison.
“My mistake. Could have fooled me.” The woman beamed.
Jared looked at Autumn, who seemed to be looking past him. He turned around to see Dave waving at them. It was time to go. They rode back to the hotel in silence mainly because he was afraid she’d ask more questions about Taylor. When they got off the bus, he thought he’d take a chance.
“Would you like to join me for dinner?” he asked.
“Thanks, but I have plans.” She smiled.
“Oh, with that muscle-head guy I saw you with at dinner the other night?”
“Yes. His name is Graham.”
“Like graham crackers?”
“No, like I’m not a distraction.” She winked.
He nodded. “I deserved that. Well enjoy and be safe.”
“Wait. I have something for you.” She dug in one of the bags, retrieved an exquisite silk tie, and hung it around his neck. “I thought this would look good on you.”
“Thank you.”
“See you around.” She went off into the lobby.
Autumn fidgeted with the fuchsia sundress, hoping she’d made the right decision with her ensemble. She’d grown so accustomed to barging into Summer’s room for her opinion on little things that it felt strange to make up her own mind. She giggled when she thought of the incident a few months ago when she went into her sister’s room for their morning chat. She plopped on the bed and nudged her sister until she woke and they began talking about their plans for the day. It was a full fifteen minutes before Bo peeked from under the covers. She and Summer both laughed. Bo didn’t seem to mind, but that was when she’d first realized she had to respect the new boundaries that existed.
It saddened her to think she couldn’t just barge into her sister’s room anymore. The last thing she wanted was to be an obvious third wheel. Perhaps that’s why the Blakes were pushing so hard to set her up with Jared. If she were busy with a love life of her own, Bo and Summer could have more time alone together. The matchmaking with Jared could have been a nice way of shooing her out of the picture.
She declined an invitation from Graham to join him at a friend’s villa. But she did agree to dinner again. He was harmless enough and was a deterrent for other guys trying to hit on her. Satisfied with the finished product, she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs to the bell desk and asked about the boating tours. The pictures of the speedboat excursion had caught her attention. It seemed like an excellent way to see the entire island and get some scenic photos.
She looked forward to having one day without Amber looking over her shoulder. She knew the Executive Desires staff liked to keep tabs to make sure the guests were enjoying themselves, but Amber was going overboard with the five-star treatment. She’d peeked out from under her mask at the spa to see what was taking the masseuse so long and there was Amber standing there in her pristine, expensive white linen suit asking her if she was having a good time. Paranoid that she’d just seen Amber come out of her office, Autumn asked for her ticket so she could skedaddle. The concierge informed her that all she needed to do was go to the dock and her name would be on the list. The bellman flagged a bicycle taxi
Sharon Bolton
Robin Kaye
Christina Dodd
Amber Scott
Robyn Peterman
Joy Williams
Stephen Orr
J. F. Freedman
Peter Fitzsimons
Megan Slayer