Stone Soldiers 5: Black Knight Down

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Book: Stone Soldiers 5: Black Knight Down by C. E. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. E. Martin
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fencing, lights and guard towers around the impact crater remained, but the crater itself was being covered by a prefabricated structure similar to a circus tent. Tan and black contracted security uniforms were everywhere, securing the site and preparing to begin the laborious task of moving the object to Groom Lake.
    Hunt thought it was odd that the military would turn such an important task over to a private contractor- but that was how the military did things these days. Soldiers, airmen and sailors did the dangerous work and private contractors did the heavy lifting. It wasn't cost-effective, but with Congress keeping the military small, there wasn't much other choice.
    Hunt turned away from the open end of the truck, almost missing a long black limo racing past from the other direction, passing them, headed for the site.
    "Contractors," Hunt grumbled, shaking his head. It would save the government money to use Air Force personnel, but instead they handed out pricey contracts to corporate suits that rode around in limousines.
    The limo pulled to a stop and Marshal Smith snapped to attention and saluted.
    The driver emerged and hastily circled the car, opening both rear doors on the passenger side and helping Simone Schuster emerge. Behind her, the other witches all followed, stepping out of the car one by one.
    Where before the women had been dressed like corporate headhunters, now they wore black evening gowns that brushed the dusty ground, hiding their feet. Low cut, the dresses showed off their large busts. Each wore their hair in long braids hanging low down their backs, and their lips and nails were painted black. Only Simone stood out from the rest, wearing a large silver pendant on her chest, set with a large purple, amethyst stone that seemed to glow.
    "Ma'am!" Smith said. "The site is ours!"
    "See," Simone said, turning to Miranda House beside her. "It pays to have devoted followers in Washington."
    Simone took the packet Smith was holding and handed it over to House. "Lead the way, Marshal- let's see just what we've managed to catch."

    Josie awoke with a jolt, as Jimmy shook her arm.
    "We're here, babe," Jimmy said, He seemed more confident now with his new physique.
    Josie looked him up and down, again marveling at the transformation in Jimmy. Even with larger clothes- khakis and a sky blue bermuda shirt- his muscles showed. And Jimmy was relishing the change.
    Josie, wearing a bright floral sundress, sat up in her chair, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She looked to her left, out the window of the small jet they were riding in. She could see water below, rushing up to meet them as they came in for a landing.
    "Colonel says to come up front," Jimmy said, offering his hand.
    His grip was strong and he effortlessly helped Josie out of her seat, then followed her to the front of the small Learjet.
    Josie swung the cabin door in and entered the cockpit, where her grandfather was piloting the plane.
    "Welcome to Fox Island," Colonel Kenslir said, nodding to the empty co-pilot seat beside him. He was dressed in his normal tan, cargo pocket pants with a dark green polo shirt and tan desert combat boots.
    "Where are we?" Josie asked, sliding into the seat. Jimmy stepped up, crouching slightly behind both seats to see out the front windows of the descending plane.
    "Lake Michigan- about seventeen miles from the coast of Michigan," the Colonel said. He reached to the control panel and pulled a lever to lower the plane's landing gear.
    Ahead of the Learjet, a pair of islands could be seen- the closest had a short runway and a lighthouse- as well as a cluster of buildings in the middle of the island.
    "South Fox is about five miles long, and is the middle in size of the archipelago," Kenslir said. "The research base is there. To the north, you can make out the smallest island- North Fox. We house a security team there that rotates out with South Fox every four days by helicopter. Closest land is

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