Stone Beast

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Book: Stone Beast by Bonnie Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bliss
Tags: Erótica, Paranormal, sexy, Gargoyles, bonnie bliss
    Writing as
    L KIRK
    Copyright © 2015 Bonnie Bliss
    Bonnie Bliss asserts the moral right to be
identified as the author of this work
    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The
names, characters and incidents portrayed within are the invention
of the author’s imagination. Any similarities are purely
coincidental. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events or localities is purely coincidental.
    All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in an information retrieval
system in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, taping, and recording, without
prior written permission from Irish Wolf Publishing or the
    Content Advisory: the below contains graphic
material of a sexual nature, adult situations, sexual reference,
explicit sexual description, and depiction of alternative
    Copyright © 2015 Bonnie Bliss
    First Edition

    Smashword License Notes
    This ebook is licensed for your personal
enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to
other people. If you would like to share this book with another
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    Cover Design by LMK Graphics
    Formatting by Mr Bliss
    Edited By Kasi Alexander
    Published by
    Irish Wolf Publishing

    Also by Bonnie Bliss
    Chains and Chocolate
    Whips and Wax
    The Christmas Feast
    (A Dominance Holiday Short Story)
    Kitten’s Fantasies
    The Postman
    The Plumber
    Twisted Oz
    Twisted Dreams
    Twisted Ropes
    The Holiday Series
    Bondage on the 4th of July
    Halloween Submission
    A Slave for Christmas
    (The Complete Holiday Doms Collection)
    The Men of the North Series
    The Viking’s Prize
    The Vikings’ Conquest
    The Vikings’ Claim
    The Stolen warrior
    The Realm Series
    Stand Alone Titles
    Cuff Me Santa
    Seeing Red
    Stone Beast (L Lirk)
    The Blackwood Wolves Saga
    Blackwood Novella
    When the Hunger Comes
    (Writing as R Kirk)
    The Devil and the Diamond
    New Adult Romance
    Bad Romance
    (Writing as L Kirk)


Stone Beast
    Chapter One
    She should’ve known better. Bethany could
hear the giggles and panting as she came closer to her bedroom
door. She’d seen Patrick’s car in her spot when she’d pulled in for
lunch. Usually she didn’t come home. But she’d forgotten her wallet
on the kitchen counter and she only lived a few blocks away from
work. Her hand reached towards the gleaming fake gold knob and she
closed her eyes when she heard Patrick spew out a series of curses,
and two giggling women return them. Her throat contracted as her
fingers wrapped around the cool metal. She twisted her wrist and
shoved. The door swung open and the usual creak that accompanied
its forward motion was silent as she took in the scene before
    All the times Patrick had stayed out late.
When he’d come home smelling of potent cheap perfume and Thai
food—aka sex. The lies. The deceit. It was all too much for her to
handle. Before she could turn and head out of the room, one of the
women whined.
    “Another one, Patty Cakes?” The voice carried
a pout. “You said I only had to share you with Clare bear. After
all, you are mine!”
    Was he?
    Patrick looked up from where he was kneeling
on the bed facing the door. The other girl had a mouth full of his
cock. The one who spoke was playing with the girl deep-throating
Patrick. It was like live porn and Bethany didn’t know how to
respond to that. The ache that was building in her chest only
fueled the fresh

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