Steering the Stars

Read Online Steering the Stars by Autumn Doughton, Erica Cope - Free Book Online

Book: Steering the Stars by Autumn Doughton, Erica Cope Read Free Book Online
Authors: Autumn Doughton, Erica Cope
Theater. THEATER!
    You’re laughing right now, aren’t you?
    And if you are, it’s okay because the whole idea of me on stage performing in front of an audience is insane. It’s like the start of a bad joke... or a horror movie.
    Okay, so I haven’t even told you the worst part. (Yes, it gets even WORSE!) Turns out that as part of the ‘course requirement’ I have to audition for the fall musical! Did you hear that?? I have to audition for a musical!
    I mean, seriously?!? Me? There’s no way I can sing on stage in front of hundreds of people—even if I will only be in the chorus waving a flower back and forth. I’m going to make a fool out of myself. I can see it now. I’ll trip over my own feet during the lame choreography and probably take the set down with me. I might even pass out on stage. Or throw up on people. It’s going to be bad. So bad.
    Kill me now.
           Her reply came through by the time I opened the chip bag.
    To: Caroline< [email protected] >
    From: Hannah< [email protected] >
    Date: August 31
    Subject: Your imminent demise
    Killing you seems like a bit of an overreaction. Don’t you like musicals? I have a distinct memory of you swaying around the kitchen, pretending to be Maria from The Sound of Music. And you play the piano!!! On the other hand... maybe it is a bad idea. I keep flashing back to the recital in the third grade when you accidentally stepped on Julianne Savoca’s skirt. And then there was the hula hoop contest that summer at the lake... Now THAT was a hot mess.
    But, srsly, Care—I wish I was there to hug you, or audition with you, or sweep you away into the Witness Protection Program so none of those drama kids could ever find you again. This being apart thing is starting to suck more than just a little bit. The only thing I can do to make it better is to share a little news from this side of the pond that is sure to take your mind off theater. I was going to wait to tell you this on the phone so I could hear your reaction but it’s obvious that you need a pick-me-up.
    Your best friend is now… (drumroll please)... the newest member of the squash team. Just let that sink in for a minute and your mood should start to improve.
             I read through the email twice. Squash? I knew it was some kind of sport from an episode of Gilmore Girls I watched on Netflix, but what the heck? I needed details and fast. I set my bag of chips down and started typing up another email on my phone.
    To: Hannah< [email protected] >
    From: Caroline< [email protected] >
    Date: August 31
    Subject: Team USA
    WHAT?? You leave me for a week and all of a sudden you’re an athlete?
    And, if you were going to become sporty all of a sudden, why squash?
    Btw… what IS squash? Please explain, because surely what I am envisioning is not accurate. Because what I’m picturing is you running down a field kicking a spaghetti squash. Or perhaps a pumpkin. Yeah, definitely a pumpkin. They’re rounder so you can get much more distance with a pumpkin.

    PS: And WHY didn’t you tell me about Elise cheating on Henry? WHAT THE HECK?!!!
           My phone started to buzz in my hand and a picture of Hannah sticking out her tongue popped up on the screen. My heart jumped into my throat and I felt my face break into a wide grin.
           “Hey yourself,” she laughed. “Can you talk?”
           “Yes, I’m at lunch. And is this really happening?” I exclaimed. The people on the opposite side of The Commons turned their heads to look at me. Embarrassed, I hunched over placing my elbows on my knees and covered my face with my hand. “So seriously, why didn’t you tell me about Henry and Elise?”
           “Honestly? He seemed so blasé about it that I just blanked,” she said.

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