appreciation. Is death to be my reward?"
"I don’t reward men who spy on me, Captain."
"Lord Trioculus, please have mercy, let me aboard-" As Trioculus pointed the glove of Darth Vader at him, Captain Dunwell tried to shut out the piercing sound that suddenly assaulted his eardrums. The captain’s eyes then twirled upward as he let out a hoarse gasp, fell to his knees, and then dropped to the floor. Hissa kicked the door shut and locked it. Leaving Captain Dunwell behind to die with his crew, the escape sub pushed away from the Whaladon-hunting submarine, making its way higher in the ocean as it sailed toward the dim outline of the undersea mountain range. Moments later the escape sub shook violently as a tremendous explosion tore apart the Whaladon-hunting submarine, sending scraps of scorched metal spinning through the sea in all directions.
An evil smile spread across Trioculus’s face as he clenched his gloved right hand into a fist. That hand no longer twitched. It now felt strong, invincible-and ready to rule the galaxy!
Luke’s adventure had led him back to the place where it all began-on Yavin Four, where Luke and his droids were now gathered in the Alliance Senate. They had just finished delivering a complete report to SPIN on all that they had accomplished on their mission. Luke, Threepio, and Artoo were congratulated by SPIN, not just for their espionage on Kessel but for their help in saving the Whaladons.
When the meeting had adjourned and most of the SPIN members departed, Admiral Ackbar turned to Luke, Threepio, Artoo, and Princess Leia and said, "On behalf of the planet Calamari, as a special thanks, I’d like to invite you all to be our guests of honor at a special concert of Whaladon songs at our Domed City of Aquarius."
"Fzzzzoooop bedoooooop!" squeaked Artoo in a scolding tone.
"I’m very sorry to report," Threepio said in a disappointed voice, "that Artoo absolutely refuses ever to return to Calamari with me again-that is, until I get a license to steer a Calamarian minisub!"
Luke laughed, remembering that Threepio’s brief moments of piloting the minisub had almost been the death of them. However, with a little coaxing from Luke, Artoo was persuaded to change his mind.
Sure enough, when the day of the Whaladon concert arrived, Luke and his friends were once again on Calamari, seated in the aquatheater in the Domed City of Aquarius. The program of Whaladon songs was spectacular. It included a water ballet, Whaladon folk melodies, classical Whaladon songs, and an opera Leviathor had composed that told the legendary story of how he had become the Whaladon leader many years ago by helping the Whaladons survive an undersea volcanic eruption.
As much as Luke enjoyed the concert, being back on Calamari made him think about those final fateful moments before the Whaladon-hunting submarine had exploded, when he had glanced back and noticed the Imperial escape sub departing.
Had that escape sub been destroyed by the hurtling debris? Or had Trioculus survived, making it back to the planet’s watery surface so that he could live to fight another day? Try as he might to forget the Imperial leader’s dire threat, Luke was unable to banish from his mind Trioculus’s parting words: "I shall destroy you, Skywalker! You have my promise!"
Admiral Ackbar
Rebel military leader, he is a fishman from the planet Calamari. Aqualish aliens
Walrus-faced, with smooth skin and large eyes, Aqualish aliens have nasty dispositions. They live on watery planets, and turn their natural aggressions toward all aliens other than their own kind.
Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)
A barrel-shaped utility droid belonging to Luke Skywalker. Artoo cannot speak in words, but communicates in beeps, buzzes, and whistles that are translated by his companion, See-Threepio (C-3P0). An effective copilot and troubleshooter, Artoo can rapidly penetrate the data system of almost any computer in the galaxy.
Calamarian minisub
A small
Matthew Klein
Emma Lang
L.S. Murphy
Kimberly Killion
Yaa Gyasi
RJ Scott
BA Tortuga
Abdel Sellou
Honey Jans
E. Michael Helms