Spy Girl

Read Online Spy Girl by Jillian Dodd - Free Book Online

Book: Spy Girl by Jillian Dodd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jillian Dodd
Tags: Thrillers: Espionage and Spies
tears of being ditched in the morning.”
    “I tried to wake you up.”
    “You did not. The shirt isn’t that big of deal, but stealing a man’s breakfast pizza? That was just cold.” I get the dimple. “Oh, look. Lorenzo is working his way over here. You should cover up. That bikini is practically obscene.”
    I punch him in the arm. “It is not.”
    He whispers, “It’s sexy as hell. Maybe I just don’t want the Prince seeing you like that. Really, I don’t want anyone seeing you like that. Want to borrow my shirt?” He pulls his shirt off, revealing his muscular chest and tight abs. I want to run my fingers across them.
    So I do.  
    “Tease,” he says, grabbing my hands and giving me another blink of a dimple. God, I love the way he smiles. I fight the urge to grab his face and start making out with him, but I’m on a mission and although I want the Prince to have to work for it a little, I don’t want to run him off when I’m this close.  
    Daniel turns toward the Prince. “Lorenzo, this is my friend, Huntley. We met a few days ago at an event in D.C., and when I mentioned I knew you, she didn’t believe me.”  
    “That’s not exactly right,” I contradict. “He was bragging about knowing you, so I rolled my eyes. Which he assumed was me not believing him and took it as a challenge, rather than accepting it for what it really was—me not being impressed.”
    The Prince chuckles, which is good.  
    “It’s nice to see you again,” I say to the Prince. “Am I supposed to bow or something?”
    “Only to my father, the King.”
    Daniel laughs and points a finger at him. “He must like you, cuz he makes lots of girls kneel.”  
    To prove his point, a girl interrupts us, getting on her knees and lowering her head straight toward the Prince’s royal privates.  
    When she gets up, she whispers something in his ear, presumably about how she’s available even though she introduced me to her boyfriend earlier.  
    But based on how close she was allowed to get to him without thought shows another flaw in his security. Women aren’t viewed as a threat.  
    “Cool party trick,” I say as the girl leaves. “So why are you two really here?”
    The Prince throws his thumb in Daniel’s direction. “He says you owe him a pizza.”
    I hold a finger up, causing a steward to instantly appear at my side. I whisper something to him and a few seconds later he presents Daniel with a pizza box.
    “What the hell?” Daniel says.
    I lean toward the Prince and pretend to confide in him. “It’s my new favorite combination, so I ordered it for our party.”
    Daniel opens the box, looking confused, but the pizza quickly steals his attention. He offers the Prince a piece, but the Prince turns up his nose, takes my elbow, and leads me away from the crowd. I notice his security does not follow.
    He kisses my hand. “It’s nice to see you again. I had hoped to see you at my party last night.”
    “Oh, sorry. I got caught up at the roulette table.”
    “Was your luck good?”
    “It was very good.”
    “Congratulations.” He looks back at Daniel. “I can see why Daniel wanted to come to your party. You are very beautiful.”
    “Thank you. But I doubt he came here for me. Isn’t Montrovia where all the rich playboy types will be this week?”
    “Possibly. Regardless, I’m glad he allowed me to join him.”  
    “I will admit, it’s not every day that a Prince crashes your party.”
    “So, what brings you to my fair country?” His gaze is intense. I like it. He actually seems interested in talking to me. It’s a refreshing change of pace from the guys at school who just wanted to hookup.
    “Same as everyone. The race.”  
    “Would you do me the honor of coming to my party, since I crashed yours?”
    “When is it?”
    “Well, my party lasts all week.”
    “When ever will you sleep?” I flirt. The Prince is holding back a smirk. I narrow my eyes at him. “Lorenzo, are you thinking of us

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