
Read Online Rainlashed by Leda Swann - Free Book Online

Book: Rainlashed by Leda Swann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leda Swann
Tags: Romance, Erotic
    She ran her fingers through her hair, tugging with some irritation at the knots and tangles. Her seal skin needed little attention to keep it sleek and fine, but human hair was quite the opposite. It tangled at the least provocation. How she wished she had a comb with her to work out the worst of the knots.
    The master laughed at her vanity “Here. Take this brush.”
    She stroked it tentatively over her hair, tugging gently at the snarls. It had not been so badly tangled since she was a pup.
    “Let me help you.” He took it out of her hand again and ran the bristled end over her head, stroking it from the crown of her head down to the ends of her long hair. As if by magic, the knots in her hair began to unravel.
    She leaned her head back, luxuriating in the feeling of her hair falling down her back as smoothly and cleanly as a waterfall. The master’s hands were warm on her neck and back as he combed through her hair.
    She was sorry when he put the brush down again and pronounced that her hair was done. Lazily, she opened her eyes and looked in the mirror again. To her delight, her long human hair was now as sleek and smooth as her seal skin.
    Now that her hair looked better, she turned her attention to the rest of herself. The feeling of the dress on her body was delicious, and she loved the color, but it hid her from herself. She wanted to see herself as others saw her. She wanted to see herself naked and unadorned.
    She looked back over her shoulder at the master. “Unfasten my gown, if you please.”

    Chapter Five
    A fleeting glance of disappointment passed over his face. “You do not like the gown?”
    “I do like it.”
    He shrugged, unconvinced. “I thought you looked particularly fine.”
    “The gown is pretty. It reminds me of the sea. But I have never seen myself so clearly. I want to see myself in the mirror. All of me,” she clarified, at the puzzlement on his face. “Without the gown on.”
    His puzzled look was replaced with the beginnings of a smile. “If you wish it.” He undid the buttons on the gown with deft fingers.
    She wriggled out of the arms, slipped them over her shoulders, and let the gown pool at her feet, staring at her new nakedness in the silvery mirror with unabashed curiosity. A human face stared back at her—the dark eyes and dark hair that she had seen before in the rock pools.
    Reaching up to her hair she stroked it lazily with the brush, watching herself as she did so. It was so new to her, this ability to see herself so clearly. She delighted in it. She could stand in front of this mirror all day just enjoying the novelty of looking at herself.
    The master was watching her too, as avidly as a hunting gannet circling above the sea. She met his eyes in the mirror and smiled a naughty invitation at him.
    Sure that she had caught his attention, she brought her hands down to her shoulders, and then to her breasts, cupping them with her hands, watching her own reflection as she did so. Watching herself touch her own body in the mirror more than doubled her pleasure. Watching herself, and seeing the master watch her, was infinitely more exciting and tantalizing than touching herself in front of the gardeners had been.
    In the mirror she saw his attention sharpen and head him suck in a quick hiss of breath.
    She moved her hands in small circles over her breasts, caressing them, feeling the soft roundness of her nipples turn hard, seeing them in the mirror as they grew small and hard and tight.
    “Look at me.” She breathed the words to herself, but of course they fell on other ears as well.
    “Look at my body, the smooth skin so white. And only a small tuft of fur here.” Her hands brushed at the soft hair that hid her center of pleasure “Look at how the curves flow, look at how this body moves.” Still facing the mirror she placed her feet slightly apart and slowly bent her head to the floor. Her body retained the flexibility of her other form, and with her body

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