Spider Bight [Deep Space Mission Corps 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Online Spider Bight [Deep Space Mission Corps 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Tymber Dalton - Free Book Online

Book: Spider Bight [Deep Space Mission Corps 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Tymber Dalton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tymber Dalton
Tags: Romance
followed by his cum exploding all over her fingers.
    Aaron thrust one last time, his body going rigid in a sign Emi knew all too well. His eyes fell closed as his balls emptied into Ford’s ass. Then, exhausted, the men fell to the bed together.
    Emi dragged herself from bed to wash her hand and get them a cloth. When they’d all cleaned up, they curled up together, Emi happily sandwiched between them.
    Ford let out a happy sigh. “That was great. Thank you.”
    “My pleasure,” Aaron teased.
    “Sorry I pooped out on you, sweetie,” Emi said.
    He kissed her. “Don’t worry. I’ll take a rain check.”

Chapter Eight
    They all gathered on the Tamora Bight ’s bridge as they emerged from their jump. The disabled Kal’moran vessel appeared on their scanners immediately upon emerging from their jump.
    “Got her,” Ford said. “About two hours away.”
    Aaron waved Emi over to the command console and vacated his seat for her. He held out a hand, indicating for her to sit.
    Confused, she stared at him. “What?”
    He smiled. “I’m just the pilot. You’re the captain,” he teased.
    Rolling her eyes, she took his seat. “I’m glad you think this is so funny. What am I supposed to do?”
    “Hail the d’Acklan .” He reached out and hit the communications button. “And tell them we’re here.”
    Before Emi could respond, she heard a tone indicating a hail. A female voice speaking accented English standard came over the channel. “Kal’moran vessel d’Acklan .”
    Emi cleared her throat. “Hi. This is Dr. Emilia Hypatia of the DSMC vessel Tamora Bight . We’ve been sent to assist you back to Kal’moran.”
    “You are the captain?”
    She started to say no, but Aaron vigorously nodded his head at her. “Um, yes. That’s me. Captain Doctor Hypatia.”
    Caph clapped a hand over his mouth and attempted to stifle his laughter. Ford reached over and smacked him on the shoulder. Aaron glared at them and sliced a hand across his throat. Cut it out.
    Emi hoped she didn’t burst out laughing.
    The other voice spoke again. “Thank you, Captain Hypatia. Or do you prefer the title of Doctor?”
    “Doctor’s fine.”
    “Very well. I am Commander Ren’yawlkin, in charge of this vessel. Our pilot is Mlaui Mil’rawin, and she will be in charge of the logistics of the tow by your vessel.”
    Emi looked at Aaron, glad they were on audio only and not visual. Logistics? she silently mouthed to him.
    He nodded at her, waving his hand in a circle at her, indicating for her to continue.
    Emi was clueless. She had no idea what logistics were involved. She shrugged at him.
    He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Introduce me as your pilot.”
    “Oh!” She clapped a hand over her mouth. Then she spoke loudly enough the com link would pick it up. “My pilot is Aaron Lucio. He’ll be in charge of logistics on our end.” She smiled, proud of herself. Gods, I almost sound like I know what the heck I’m talking about.
    There was a pause from the other end. Emi thought maybe they’d lost the com link when Commander Ren’yawlkin said, “I beg your pardon, Dr. Hypatia, but did you say your pilot is a male?”
    Another long moment of silence. “You do not have a female pilot?”
    Emi started to reply with a smart-assed remark, but Aaron correctly anticipated Emi’s reaction. He reached over and hit the mute button before she could snark back at the Kal’moran commander. “Don’t get into it with them,” he warned her. “Keep it pleasant. Let it go. They do things differently. It’s okay.”
    “No, it’s not okay.”
    “It doesn’t matter. We have to deal with it.” He unmuted the connection.
    “No,” Emi said, staring at Aaron. “I have an all-male crew.”
    “Interesting. Very well. I will instruct my pilot to deal with him. I apologize for my hesitation. We were not expecting a male crew. We are used to dealing with female crews.”
    Emi bit off the response she wanted to give in

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