Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2

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Book: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 by H.M. Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Stewart
keep quiet until I had my glass of warm tea back on the bus, a little trick Layla taught me early on. Trevor must have already gone over my regiment with Madison. We made our way back to the bus in no time in silence. While I went straight for the shower Trevor went straight to the little stove to fix my tea.
    I quickly showered leaving my hair unwashed. It would take entirely too long to dry. Coming out of the shower with my towel still wrapped around me I walked into the kitchen area of the bus and found my tea waiting on me. Madison was sitting at the little kitchenette against the wall. I gave her a quick wave letting her know to follow me. I point to my little closet space for her to pick out something to wear for the night. We both dressed quickly in silence. We both opted for one of my halter tops, skinny jeans and hooker boots. Thankfully my make-up sweated off so with a facial wipe my face was clear to start all over again. Within minutes I was ready to walk out the door. I swallowed the rest of my tea and yelled back to Madison and Trevor.
    “I think Ember hired a driver and a limo to run us around tonight. It’s already past eleven and last call in these parts is two a.m. We need to get a move on.” Just like clockwork my phone began to ring indicating that Ember was calling. I answered the phone and let her know we were headed her way. The three of us quickly made our way out the door and towards the bus that Ember, Demi and Cali shared.
    I was on high alert looking at Layla and Ben’s bus. My heart hurt that I hadn’t seen my little guy since this afternoon but I wasn’t ready to get into it with Madison yet. I think I was going to need a little liquid courage first. Plus, I wanted to let Madison vent to me some more before I dropped another bomb on her. From what she told me earlier the walls must have really been closing in on her if she took off in the middle of the night. It was one thing to run away from the club, her father, her brother’s or the jackass she loved (even though she’d never tell him) but I never would have expected her to leave Carrin behind. Carrin had just lost her husband last year and was raising their daughter on her own. There was something else she hadn’t told me and I intend to get to the bottom of it before adding fuel to the fire.
    A little relief washed over me when I noticed Layla’s bus had the curtains drawn tight. You could tell Ben and Hunter must be occupying the TV with the flash of lights trying to break thru the curtain. I’m glad my boy was having fun with his adopted Uncle.
    There was nine of us total that crammed in the back of the limo Ember supplied. Ember, Demi, Cali, Mica, Tanya, Harvey, Trevor, Madison and myself piled in the back for the quick trip to the club. Ember’s assistant had already called ahead to get us in the VIP lounge. We were hoping to not have much attention drawn to us tonight.
    In no time we were in the club, drinks in hand and dancing the night away. Not sure at exactly what point but I started getting a feeling someone was watching us. I can’t explain it but something just felt off. I pulled Trevor off to the side leaving the rest of the girls on the dance floor.
    “What’s wrong sweet cheeks? You got a little bit of worry clouding those eyes,” my bestie said before I could voice my thoughts.
    “I don’t know exactly. I’ve just got an eerie feeling that we are being watched. It just doesn’t feel right you know,” I replied back.
    “Shake it off baby girl. Your fine. You just haven’t been out with us in a while. There’s always someone staring at us. It’s already well after midnight. It won’t be long before we leave. Just stay close to me sweet cheeks. I got you.”
    I went back to dancing with the rest of the group trying to shake of the building uneasy feeling I had. When we finally made our way to the car, leaving Harvey to settle the tab, I began to feel more at ease. In the shelter of the limo I felt like I

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