Spencer Cohen Series, Book Three (The Spencer Cohen Series 3)

Read Online Spencer Cohen Series, Book Three (The Spencer Cohen Series 3) by N.R. Walker - Free Book Online

Book: Spencer Cohen Series, Book Three (The Spencer Cohen Series 3) by N.R. Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.R. Walker
here,” she said.
    I couldn’t help but laugh, and she greeted me with a smile and a kiss to my cheek. “Spencer, I take it you’re the reason for the look on my brother’s face.” She collected a box from the sofa, which I hadn’t even noticed, and said, “Can’t stay. Have fun, though I can tell you already have. See you both on Sunday.” She kissed Andrew on the cheek, waved to me, and was gone as quick as she arrived.
    Andrew locked the door behind her and said, “She’s going to Mom and Dad’s and wanted some of my old books to take to Yanni.” Then he walked slowly over to me. “I probably should apologise about before. I’ve done nothing but think about you for two days, and I was a little turned on.”
    I put my hand to his face and kissed him softly. “Just a little?”
    He smiled, but his eyes were intense and full of fire. “Now it’s your turn.” He gently pushed me backwards until I sat on the sofa.
    “Aren’t we supposed to be cooking dinner?” I asked.
    He knelt between my legs, undid my zipper, and licked his lips. “We are. This is the first course. Then we cook, then you rim me, then you fuck me.”
    Oh, yeah . Bossy Andrew was back. His words went straight to my cock. “Have I ever told you that it turns me on when you say filthy things like that?”
    He smiled. A faint blush coloured his cheeks. He freed my erection, and I put my hand to his jaw as he took me in. I thumbed his lip as I slid into his mouth, and his cheeks hollowed as he sucked me. He’d quite often pulled my hair when I blew him, and I wondered if he’d like me to do the same. I slid my hand into his short, spikey hair and fisted it the best I could.
    He moaned and sucked harder.
    “Yeah, you like that,” I said, my voice gruff and harsh. I pulled on his hair again and elicited the same reaction from him. He took me deeper and swallowed around me, sucking my orgasm from me. I came down his throat, wave after wave of pleasure rolled through me. My blood warmed in my veins, and my balls ached in the best possible way.
    Andrew pulled off me, and I lifted his face for a kiss. He leaned against my chest, and I slumped into the sofa. “Wow.”
    Andrew hummed a contented response and looked up at me. “I think we’re ready for food now.”
    I laughed. “You’re insatiable. Sex, food, sex, food.”
    He got to his feet and pulled me to mine, and I quickly tucked myself back in and made myself presentable. I was a little dizzy, and Andrew smiled at me. “I also enjoy music and conversation. So, how about you select some music. I’ll get the dinner ingredients out of the fridge and tell you all about my day. How does that sound?”
    I pulled his chin between my thumb and finger and drew him in for a smiley-kiss. “Sounds like you’re a bossy shit.”
    Andrew just smiled and walked into the kitchen. I heard the fridge open and the rustle of bags. “I hope steak and salad sounds okay. I googled easiest dinners to cook at home and thought it sounded best. Oh, you’ll never guess what happened at work today,” he said. “It was so funny… Have you picked some music yet?”
    The truth was, I was still standing exactly where he’d left me, smiling like an idiot. “Just looking now.” I went over to his record player and saw some records he didn’t have last time I was here. “Hey, you never told me you got this one?”
    I turned to find him at the doorway that leads to the kitchen, wiping his hands on a dishtowel. “Oh yeah, I picked it up yesterday. And I got the Best of Australian 80s for you. Wasn’t sure if it was your thing, but I saw it and it made me think of you, so yeah, I got it.” He blushed a little, which was all part of the paradox that was Andrew Landon. He could demand me to get on my knees and suck his dick without batting an eyelid, yet he’d blush at the most innocent of things.
    “It’s really great,” I told him. “Thank you.” I slid the album out of its sleeve and put it

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