Spanish Inquisition

Read Online Spanish Inquisition by Elizabeth Darrell - Free Book Online

Book: Spanish Inquisition by Elizabeth Darrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Darrell
    Piercey nodded slowly. ‘Thanks, sir . . . and I apologize for what I said to you earlier.’
    â€˜No need. There was an element of truth in it.’
    Bill Jensen was not in his office just inside the main door of the large Recreation Centre, so Tom began a search of all the rooms. The first contained several rows of very pregnant women lying flat on rush mats while harp music soothed them. In the next were pre-school children wearing protective overalls splashed with as much paint as the sheets of paper in front of them.
    Further along the corridor women dressed in coloured brassiere tops and gaudy skirts were being instructed in belly dancing. Tom shuddered at the sight of a couple of them whose belly could dance without any encouragement. As the Turkish music faded, he came upon a group of four earnest-looking women engrossed in a lecture which the blackboard proclaimed to be on the subject of creative writing.
    Of course, daytime use of the Centre was mostly by women and children. Evening functions would be less gender-orientated. Tom smiled to himself at the thought of classes the men would be offered. Beer belly dancing? Creative sex? The correct way to eat Indian takeaways?
    Having looked everywhere else in vain, Tom walked through to the theatre. He found his quarry backstage stowing stage costumes in large wicker hampers by little more than half light. Jensen caught sight of him and smiled.
    â€˜Long time no see, Tom. Pity it has to be official, but I guessed you’d send someone along here before long.’ Leaving his task, he approached waving his arm towards the exit. ‘Time for tea and biscuits, I reckon.’
    â€˜In a minute, Bill. I want to get a clear assessment of this area. How many dressing rooms are there?’
    The other man halted beside him and surveyed the narrow passage running behind the raised stage. ‘Six, all told. Four small ones and two a great deal larger for men and women in the chorus. The small ones are used according to what kind of show it is, and who’s in it.’ His frank brown gaze fastened on Tom. ‘Don Jose and Escamillo were content to share, but Carmen demanded her own space. Needed to be alone “to metamorphose into the role” before each performance.’
    His tone betrayed his opinion of that affected concept. ‘Bit of a madam, was she?’
    â€˜Tom, if your man hadn’t lost his cool and belted her, there were a coupla others who would’ve.’
    â€˜Anyone in particular?’ he asked casually.
    Jenson recognized what was happening and grew cautious. ‘Young Piercey went too far back here after the party. Entered her dressing room while she was changing and tried to pull her dress off. Ripped it. Fact, Tom.’ He indicated the hampers. ‘It should be going back to the hire company with the rest, but you lot are keeping it for forensic examination. I’m not sure how to explain why I’m not returning it. These costumes cost a hell of a lot to hire. I guess I’ll have to rob the kitty to pay for a replacement.’
    â€˜Were you back here when it happened? You saw Piercey do it?’
    Jensen’s mouth pursed knowingly. ‘Closing ranks?’
    â€˜How much of what went on after the party were you witness to?’
    After short hesitation, Jensen said, ‘Let’s have that cuppa in my office, Tom,’ and headed determinedly in that direction, passing the Turkish dancing, the painting toddlers and expectant mothers before entering his own domain and filling an electric kettle.
    Busy pouring milk into two large mugs, he asked over his shoulder, ‘You have evidence that puts him in the clear?’
    â€˜We have evidence that much of what Norton says is untrue.’ Tom had no intention of revealing the state of play in the case. ‘It throws doubt on her general veracity.’
    Still with his back turned, Jensen came back with, ‘I personally

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