Space Lawyer

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Book: Space Lawyer by Mike Jurist Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Jurist
they stepped in.
    It was a beautiful suite; there was no question of that. The walls were photomuraled on receptive metal to give the effect of smiling fields back dropped by snow-capped mountains. The ceiling appeared an open sky in which glowed innumerable worlds. Couches nestled around a central bath of artificial flame. Open doors disclosed twin bedrooms and a bathing pool filled with activated waters.
    A man's back bent away from them. He was seeking a book in the recessed shelves.
    "Can't I get peace and quiet even out in space?" he grumbled. "What the devil do you want now?"
    "I want this suite," said Sally in a throaty, altered voice. "And I want it in a hurry. I'll give you exactly five minutes to pack and get out."
    The purser was horrified. "Now please—" he started in protest.
    But the man had jerked erect and pivoted on them. He was furious. His wispy white hair bristled with electric anger. "Give me five minutes! Why, you impertinent—"
    His jaw dropped ludicrously. "Sally!" he shouted. "In the name of all the blink-eyed comets, what are you doing here?"
    She kissed him. "Suppose I ask you the same question? You know you're subject to vertigo."
    The purser's eyes goggled. Simeon Kenton! Old Fireball himself! Father and daughter. He fled before this strange, incomprehensible pair could turn on him.
    "Don't be silly," old Simeon said indignantly. "You can't have vertigo in space. Everything's up."
    Sally shook her finger at him. "No evasions, please."
    He cleared his throat. "Har-rumph! I'm going to Planets. A business deal, my dear. Something that came up suddenly."
    "A business deal?" she echoed meaningly. "Now confess!"
    "Yes, a business deal!" he returned heatedly. "And furthermore—" He stopped short. He glared. "Never mind about me.
    What the ding-ding about you?"
    She patted his cheek. "I'm on the same business deal that you are, most reverend parent. Only I bet I thought of it first."
    Then the humor of it struck them simultaneously, and they laughed until the tears came and their voices were weak.
    "We're both dadgusted fools!" cried Simeon. "Only I'm the older one. Very well, I'll talk to that uppity snipperwhapper. But first I'm going to take all his ill-gotten gains away from him. He needs taking down a peg; otherwise you'll find there'll be no living with him."
    "I still bet on him, dad. I have an idea he won't be so easy to take down."
    "That remains to be seen," Simeon said grimly. "The first time he just caught me off guard."
    Sally pressed the buzzer. The purser appeared, haggard, defeated.
    "Move my bag in here," she ordered. "Into the bedchamber next to the pool."
    "Y-yes, Miss Kenton. Y-yes, Mr. Kenton. I didn't know—"
    "And why didn't you know?" yelled Simeon. But the purser had fled again.

    THEY DIDN'T find Kerry Dale at Planets. Inthe twelve days of their journey to that roaring boom town on the edge of the Asteroid Belt the bird had flown the coop. Flustered officials scurried to bring the mighty Simeon Kenton information.
    "Young Kerry Dale? Yes, sir, he blasted off four Earth-days before. In what? Why . . . uh . . . seems like the young fellow bought himself an old tramp freighter and fitted it out for salvage operations. Incorporated himself, in fact, under the laws of Ceres. Mighty flexible and generous, our corporation laws, sir. Nothing like those of Earth and Mars. Initial fees nominal, Sir, and the taxes practically nothing."
    The official permitted himself a respectful wink. "We don't believe in pestering business. Nothing paternal about us—ha, ha. If Mr. Kenton would care to look into the advantages of transferring his affairs to Ceres, we'd be most happy to discuss—"
    "Stop your infernal chattering" roared Simeon. "I don't give a tail-ringed hoot about your silly laws. I'm asking simple questions and I want simple answers."
    "Y-yes, sir," stammered the frightened official. Old Fireball certainly lived up to his

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