Shadow's Dangers

Read Online Shadow's Dangers by Cindy Mezni - Free Book Online

Book: Shadow's Dangers by Cindy Mezni Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Mezni
pinched my lips together. It would be difficult to hide the truth because if he continued, and considering my almost non-existent talent for a lie, he would soon discover everything.
    “How long have you had these moments of absence and these blackouts?”
    Damn, he was really stubborn! Worse than me and yet I didn’t believe it possible. Lie, lie, lie, I repeated like a mantra.
    “Since...,” I began, extremely uncomfortable.
    “Since?” he encouraged me to go on.
    But too late. I couldn’t lie. If I did, he would soon guess what really happened anyway. I closed my eyes and pronounced:
    “Since I...”
    “Since you saw me,” he finished for me.
    I opened my eyes and watched. Put that way, it sounded as if I was a hopeless romantic and he was so charming that I couldn’t resist, yet that wasn’t it at all and I hoped he knew it. I watched for any reaction on his part. He said nothing but his face paled, which immediately worried me. Certainly, the idea that he pleases me couldn’t put him in such a state, could it?
    “Are you okay?”
    He stared at me and the worry in his eyes reminded me of the picture I had seen in the cafeteria, the one where I could see his face and green eyes, anxious, amidst all the chaos that I had no memory of. Frustrated, I searched through my mind, wanting to know if all this was real or just a figment of my disrupted brain since the death of Tess.
    The pain was suddenly so intense in my head that I let out a complaint. Garreth seemed even more alarmed. He took a step in my direction before stopping and running a hand through his hair, his jaw clenched.
    And suddenly, he walked away to the other end of the room and turned his back. I watched with incomprehension. Lost and frustrated by this, I was ready to ask him what disturbed him and also tell him about this incomprehensible and fuzzy memory. Even if he thought that I was crazy and it was only my imagination. But the words remained stuck in my throat when he took a small object in his hands. His cellphone. I heard him talking to someone, but it was not English, or any language I had heard before. He turned after a time and, seeing me so attentive to his conversation, put an end to it before replacing his phone in his pocket. He smiled at me, his expression now different.
    “Leighton is coming,” he told me in a flat voice. I swallowed hard. If he left now, it was because he had come to a conclusion and he didn’t like it. Did he really believe me silly and frivolous to the point that I could faint because of his beauty? Or did he know something about those damn scenes that I saw as if they were taking place in front of my eyes? And if so, why did he not speak to me about it rather than choose to leave?
    He gave me a nod and left the room without a word, before I had time to open my mouth. I heard the front door slam violently, indicating he was angry. Just like he was this morning. And once again, I was the cause of his bad mood.
    I cursed those nightmares, the visions, my entire existence that had gone so wrong. What was wrong with me? And why was it that all these strange things were happening now, when my life was complicated enough with the death of Tess?
    Fortunately, it wasn’t long before Leighton came into my room like a tornado. She literally threw herself on my bed and held me in her arms. She was worried. However, she quickly flashed me a dazzling smile.
    “You gave me such a fright!” she exclaimed in a tone full of anxiety, contrasting with her expression. “Don’t ever do that to me again!”
    I nodded. She could be reassured. I wasn’t planning to faint any time soon. And seeing the reaction of Garreth when I told him, there was no doubt that I would have no further opportunity to recross the object of my “crises.”
    “How do you feel?”
    “Good,” I replied immediately.
    I didn’t want her to worry more. I was fine now. She sighed, as if relieved of a great weight. As if she had known me

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