Space Corps - Explorer (Book 1)

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Book: Space Corps - Explorer (Book 1) by K. W. Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. W. Matthews
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before it gets there.”
    “Maybe, but we’ll need engineering to keep a sharp eye on our hull integrity. We can cut across its path, but we’ll take a beating by any particles that get in our way. Without taking the time to chart a proper course, we’re running a pretty decent risk.”
    “Yes, but can it be done?” Ashley asked.
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Then do it. I’ll have the sensor team keep a sharp eye out for anything that may cause you any problems. How long will it take us to catch up with them?”
    Harris punched some numbers into his console. “If we go the maximum safe speed, we’ll intersect with their current path in about a week. Of course, we have one major risk.”
    “What’s that?”
    “Without knowing how fast they’re going, we have no way of knowing if we’ll beat them there or not.”
    Gonzales asked, “What if they get there before we do?”
    “I don’t know,” Ashley said, “but let’s hope that doesn’t happen.”
    Ashley made her way back to her seat and grabbed her radio. “Docking bay, this is the admiral. Please come in.”
    “Go ahead, Admiral.”
    “I need you to call together the crew of the Protector. Let them know they’ll need to be suited up and ready to depart within thirty minutes. Please have one of your staff begin pre-flight checks for the Protector.”
    “Yes, sir. Consider it done. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
    “Absolutely. I want the crew of the Guardian ready at a moment’s notice.”
    When Ashley finished talking, Gibbs stepped up to her. “Admiral, is it safe to assume you want me to captain the Protector?”
    “Would I trust anyone else?”
    Commander Gibbs smiled to show his appreciation.
    “Now, Commander, you’ll find your flight path once you board the Protector. It will be similar to ours, but since the Protector is a bit faster than us, you will be going out a little further.”
    “May I ask why, sir?”
    “Because if we miss the alien vessel, I’m hoping that you don’t.”
    Gibbs twisted his face in concern. “Admiral, I don’t want to sound negative, but if the aliens prove to be hostile to us as well, wouldn’t you prefer to have the Protector here with the Explorer? I’d hate to leave you short any firepower.”
    Ashley sat. “I’ve thought of that. I’m hoping it turns out to be a peaceful encounter. After all, we’ve never done anything against them.”
    “But nothing, Commander. We have to hope for the best.”
    “Sir, they attacked the Fu Zing without cause.”
    “I’m fully aware of that. However, I’m hoping there was more to the story than what we’ve been told.”
    Gibbs turned toward the exit of the bridge. “As do I, but if there’s still a risk, I don’t want to leave you shorthanded.”
    “You have your orders, Commander. The Explorer has a great tactical team,” Ashley nodded toward Holt and Tran, “and we’ll still have the Guardian.”
    “Admiral, I hope I’m not saying too much, but there’s something you’re not telling me.”
    Ashley’s face flushed. She hated that he was right. “Fair enough, Commander. I’m having you go ahead of us, because if the aliens are hostile and our ship is attacked and left helpless, I want you to come back for any survivors. The Martian lander was lucky we were in the area to assist as quickly as we did.”
    “And you’re afraid the Explorer won’t be as lucky?”
    Ashley nodded.
    Gibbs snapped into a salute. “I hope it doesn’t come to that, but if it does, you can count on the Protector.”
    As the commander walked away, Ashley heard a rumbling in her stomach. She neglected to eat for quite some time and it finally caught up to her.
    “Cole, you have the bridge,” Ashley said as she left.
    While she walked, Ashley reached up to the top of her head and pulled a band from her hair. Shaking, her hair flew about in wild fashion. Strands stuck up in every direction. Though she brushed it down, her hair didn’t stay in place

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