Souls Aflame

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Book: Souls Aflame by Patricia Hagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Hagan
    “It’s dawn, Miss Marshal. My ship comes alive at dawn, but of course you wouldn’t know that since you sleep till mid-morning.”
    “And how would you know my sleeping habits?” she snapped. “You never come out of wherever it is that you hide.”
    He laughed. “I know everything that goes on around here. I know my men too, particularly Harky, and perhaps now you understand why I didn’t want you up on deck.”
    It was becoming lighter in the cabin, the sky turning a glowing watermelon pink. Julie could tell that the captain’s arms were folded across his chest and his legs were slightly apart. His face remained hidden by the lingering shadows.
    “All right. You’ve paid a personal visit. I thank you for your concern, but I’m quite all right, as you see.” Then she asked what he planned to do with Shad Harky.
    Again his tone was mocking, infuriating her as he asked, “What would you have me to do with him? You were his victim.”
    Flustered, she replied, “Well, my goodness, I don’t know. He was drunk, and even though I’m angry and upset over what he tried to do, I don’t want to see him dead. Mr. Justice said this time he would probably hang. Last time you scarred his face.”
    “I’ve always been a firm believer that a person must learn from his mistakes. If he’s punished severely enough, he seldom repeats them. Shad Harky is a scummy rogue who’ll never learn anything, no matter how many times he’s beaten. He could just as easily have killed you last night. He’s killed before, but that was before he signed on board my ship. Many of my men are guilty of heinous crimes, but I don’t hold their past against them; I only consider their present actions.” Grimly he added, “Harky’s had too many second chances.”
    “Then you’ll hang him.”
    “I should. If I don’t, it will set a poor example for my men. They’ll think they can break the rules over and over and get away with it. So I really don’t have a choice, now, do I?”
    Julie’s mind was spinning. True, she was angry with Shad. She never wanted to see him again. But to see him die because of her? And yes, she would have to share the blame for what happened. Too late, she realized how foolhardy it had been to go on deck and sing and mingle with the crew. Had she stayed below, none of it would have happened. “Can’t you just throw him off your ship when you reach port?” she asked hopefully.
    He was silent for a long time, and she saw that he was packing a pipe. He lit it, drew in the smoke, and exhaled. She found the aroma of the tobacco pleasant. And it suited him, somehow.
    “I understand you have a very soft heart.” He finally spoke. “That is commendable, but I’ve a ship to run. I can’t tolerate last night’s behavior. Every man who was drinking will receive three lashes. They all know I don’t allow drinking on board my ship.
    “Harky has been punished once for trying to rape a female passenger, and the punishment was quite severe,” he acknowledged. “But I told him at the time that a repeated offense would mean his death. Obviously he didn’t take me seriously, and my men must believe me when I speak.”
    “Oh, damn!” she cried in exasperation. “Why is it so important to you that the men fear you? Are you suffering from some feeling of inferiority that makes you want people to bow down to you as though you were God Himself? Does it give you a perverted delight to know they call you Ironheart behind your back, or perhaps you do indeed have a heart of iron, with no compassion for your fellow man!”
    His tone did not change, and she knew she had failed in her attempt to goad him. “I’ve a ship to run. I can’t do so efficiently without the respect of my crew. And it’s their respect I demand. If fear must accompany that respect, then so be it.”
    He hesitated, then continued. “Tell me, Miss Marshal. What if Harky had been successful in his assault, and you had been ravished? Would

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