Soros: Alien Warlord's Conquest (Scifi Alien - Human Military Romance)

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Book: Soros: Alien Warlord's Conquest (Scifi Alien - Human Military Romance) by Vi Voxley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vi Voxley
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something that sounded suspiciously like an avalanche, but all that seemed distant and irrelevant. Kat was only aware of the amazing feeling that overwhelmed her. She didn't dare move, even to breathe for fear of ruining the moment.
    When one of Soros' hands ran down her cheek, Kat nearly gasped. The touch was surprisingly gentle, completely at odds with the warlord’s usual being, and the fact that he was technically her captor. She kept perfectly still, letting him caress her skin, run his fingers down her neck.
    Her body reacted in all the ways she couldn't. Kat had thought that Soros was the most handsome man she'd ever seen, and now, her pussy clearly agreed. She noticed that her legs were slowly grinding against each other, trying to give her the stimulation she very much needed at that moment.
    The hand under her chin turned her head slowly, and all of a sudden, Kat found herself half-laying on his lap, supporting herself on his chest plate. In the flickering light of the small fire, his face was cast in shadows, but she could see his blue eyes shine at her. When he pulled her, gently, towards him, Kat forgot everything.
    She didn't hear the thunder or feel the cold. Her world narrowed down to Soros' warm lips pressed against hers, strong and demanding, deepening the kiss as soon as he heard the whimper escape her mouth. His hands found their way around her again, running down her back, bringing her even closer to him.
    Hers were tugging at his armor, completely and utterly lost in the kiss. Their tongues danced as Soros claimed her mouth, kissing her with all the passion she'd seen in his eyes before. They were both lost in the exchange, drinking each other like they needed it to live. Kat's lips hurt from the intensity, but she didn't pull away before air ran out from her lungs.
    It felt surreal.
    When she leaned back, uncertain of what was going to happen next, Soros merely looked at her seriously. But Kat could still see the lust playing behind his gaze.
    "Are you cold?" he asked.
    "Yes," she whispered, feeling her teeth begin to clatter again.
    He gave her a good long look, and for some reason, Kat felt like she was under scrutiny. After some time, he clearly came to an answer and nodded.
    "There are plenty of ways to get warm," he said, and Kat could feel her heart skip a beat.
    It felt like a dream. Not necessarily a sexy dream, but a good one nonetheless. The conversation she was having was, simply put, unreal. In no universe could she be having that talk with Soros . She felt a lump in her throat, reminding Kat of her youth and making her feel like a blushing virgin again.
    "But I can see the answer," the warrior finished. "Come, we can move closer to the fire."
    There was a knot of disappointment in her stomach as she got up and let him move them almost to the edge of the fire pit. On the other hand, Kat didn't feel like she was in her right mind to make decisions like that, so maybe it was for the best.
    All she knew was that the fire was nice and warm. Soros pulled her into his arms, and she curled up with the blanket on top of her. As he sat there, holding her safely away from the fire, sleep came swiftly to Kat.
    "How will you sleep?" she asked, already slipping away.
    "I won't," she heard Soros respond.
    Kat wanted to protest, to say that it wasn't fair, but she fell asleep before she could get one word out. She dreamed of him.
    T he morning came too soon for someone who was very much happy with her sleeping arrangement. No doubt it was still cold as hell, and she had slept in a weird seated position, but the rest more than made up for it.
    They should market this concept , Kat thought drowsily. Find a huge alien warrior. Cuddle up. Enjoy.
    She couldn't remember what she'd dreamed about exactly, but Kat was pretty certain it had been about Soros. It ended too soon when he realized she was awake, which was immediately – damn those warrior senses.
    Kat swallowed the whine of protest that wanted to

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