Song of the Hummingbird

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Book: Song of the Hummingbird by Graciela Limón Read Free Book Online
Authors: Graciela Limón
woman; what had not been part of the chronicles.
    â€œWhat happened to her?”
    â€œFew people know that after Cortés passed her on to another of his captains, she fled rather than accept that humiliation. Most Mexicas saw her as a traitor, and few people had compassion for her. I heard recently that she died, but that she had lived a serene life because she did not see herself as a traitor. And I agree! She wasn’t even a Mexica!”
    Father Benito was writing as rapidly as possible. When he scrawled the last word, he turned to Huitzitzilin, wanting more information about the concubine.
    â€œI feel glad for her.”
    â€œBecause she did what her heart and mind told her to do. And because I did many things that she did. Our lives are very similar.”
    Benito wrinkled his forehead. He was on the verge of asking Huitzitzilin to explain, but she rambled on.
    â€œAt that time I was invited by Moctezuma’s wife, Yani, to be one of her women companions. I mention this because not only was it a position of privilege, but it put me in a place where I was able to observe many important events as well. I know that this is important to your record. I, among others, witnessed the collapse of our kingdom from a close view.”
    â€œI want you to tell me everything you can remember about those days.”
    â€œBut you already know everything.”
    â€œNot from your way of seeing those events.”
    â€œThen you must know that it was during those days that I gave birth to a son.”
    â€œYes. I named the boy. . . No, I won’t say it in my language since I see it troubles your tongue. I named him Wing of a Bird.”
    The woman leaned deep into the chair. She was lost in thought, but Father Benito waited until she resumed speaking. She returned to the present with a start.
    â€œMany years have passed since the child’s birth, so much has happened since then, yet I see it all with the clarity of yesterday’s events. The omens continued to occur near the eastern coast. In truth, several years passed as these things took place. It was as the god Quetzalcoótl, the preacher god, had foretold in ages. . .”
    â€œNo! Don’t mention the idols!”
    Father Benito’s voice trembled, betraying the fear the god’s name conjured in his mind.
    â€œNo? But if you don’t allow me to speak of them, how can I explain the most important part of those events?”
    The monk was dumbfounded. Yet he had promised Father Anselmo that he would not allow allusion to those demons. He bit his lip in consternation because he couldn’t help thinking that it would be equally difficult to speak of his own people without the mention of Jesus Christ.
    His eyes widened in shock, and he made the sign of the cross, realizing that he had actually compared the Savior to an idol. Benito was struck with horror at how close he had come to blasphemy.
    â€œWhat is the matter? Are you ill?”
    â€œNo! I’m not. I’m just fatigued. You must give me a few moments to gather my thoughts.”
    Saying this, Benito stood and walked to the fountain. There he splashed water on his fevered face while he wrestled with what to do next. When he looked over his shoulder, he saw that the Indian woman was gazing at him, and again he thought that she looked like an idol.
    He stood by the fountain not knowing what to do, when he saw that she was signaling him to return to her side. He was afraid. Was Satan working through her? he wondered. He waited for the answer, as if it would come to him from heaven. But then he reminded himself that he was looking at a frail old woman, and that she could not possibly harm him or his spirit. Feeling ashamed of his thoughts, he decided to go back to her.
    â€œThink as you would of two opposing factions: one interested in gaining personal power and wealth through war yet calling it religion, and the other as

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