Son of Santa

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Book: Son of Santa by Kate Sands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Sands
annoying, but on the other hand, it was pretty hilarious to sit with Ruby and make disparaging remarks about how humans never, ever got it right. Which was fine, because realm folk wanted to remain a mystery, hidden in the folds of space and time. That was the whole point.
    Plus, some of the movies were kind of fun, if viewed as an alternate timeline or universe or mythology.
    “What next?” Ruby asked as the credits rolled to yet another holiday romance.
    “Meh, whatever.” It’d been Noel’s exact response after the last two movies they watched. He’d let her pick both. He had no opinion, one way or another.
    Ruby fluffed her perfect curls and smiled sweetly. “You must have a preference. A favorite? Cartoon? Live action? Black and white?”
    “They’re all the same to me. I don’t particularly like any of them, but I also don’t hate any of them more than the other. If that makes sense?”
    She laughed. “You crack me up. You really aren’t into the whole spirit of it, are you?”
    “I’m a literal, actual part of the spirit,” he said. He waved his arm around. “One cog in the grand scheme of things. And it’s important to keep some separation, you know? Christmas spirit is so powerful it’ll burn you up from the inside if you let it.”
    She gave him an uncharacteristically flat, unimpressed look. “You’re so full of it, you Grinch.” Her face lit with a smile. “Oh, I know what we’re watching next!”
    He couldn’t help but laugh. “Cartoon or live action? Either way, I do probably like those the best. I can relate.”
    “I don’t think your heart has grown three sizes too big yet.” She paused and gave him a significant look. “Or has it? I’ve been meaning to ask,” she said, too casually, “how is your friend? Fannar, is it?”
    Noel rolled his eyes. “You are the least subtle cupid ever.”
    “I’m curious. You haven’t mentioned him much.”
    He dropped his head against the back of the couch, staring at the ceiling. “I messed up.”
    She remained silent as she shoved a sweet and sour ball into her mouth. Maybe she did it so she would keep her mouth shut and not give an opinion.
    “Can I tell you about it?” She’d been willing to listen to him the night they went out for dinner and dancing. Maybe she wouldn’t mind listening to him whine about how he had screwed up.
    The pink aura of her realm shivered around her more than it usually did.
    He couldn’t help but grin. “I’m going to take that as a yes.” He told her about Fannar’s Christmas present and their outing to the hockey game. And the conversation after it. And the kiss on the cheek he hadn’t been given time to respond to. She remained quiet and patient and gave him her undivided attention.
    When he reached the end of his story, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know what to do.”
    “Is it okay if I give you my two cents, or however you want to put it?”
    “Sure. Please do.”
    “You, my friend,” she said sweetly, “are a complete moron.”
    “Thank you. That’s very helpful.”
    “I told you before, there is something there. A foundation, if you will, that you can build on. A relationship doesn’t necessarily need one of those to work out—some people meet each other and right away they’re able to work. But for you, Noel, that’s not going to happen. You’re guarded, and private, and unsure of your place in the world. You need someone who already knows you, sees you for who you are. And he is what’s going to work best for you.” She threw her hands up. “And you refuse to see it. Or if you do see it, to accept it.”
    “You think so?”
    She patted his arm. “I told you the first time I saw you together. And this is what I am, what I do. Yes, Noel, I really think so.”
    Leaning forward, putting his elbows on his knees and cradling his head in his hands, he sighed deeply. “Okay. What now? I mean, can you help me?”
    “We’re all realm folk. It isn’t right for

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