Danger at the Border

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Book: Danger at the Border by Terri Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Reed
sight from the side of the hut. He backed away from the window so they wouldn’t see him.
    The rattle of the lock sent his pulse skyrocketing.
    He held his makeshift weapon at the ready and prayed for an opportunity to escape.

    J eff stood to the side of the doorway. His body was visibly coiled tight with tension as he held the bottle in front of him at the ready. Tessa sent up a silent plea to God that Jeff’s plan didn’t backfire and get him killed. The door swung open. Every muscle and nerve in her body snapped to attention.
    Kyle stepped in. “The boss wants to see you two.”
    Jeff relaxed his stance. Tessa let out a tight breath.
    Kyle’s nervous gaze darted from Jeff’s face to the water bottle and back again. “I wouldn’t try anything,” Kyle whispered. “He’ll kill you.”
    “He’ll kill us, anyway,” Jeff shot back.
    “Not without the boss’s permission.” He made a face and added in a whisper, “Or unless you do something stupid.”
    “Get out here!” the guard snapped in a loud, angry tone.
    “Leave it,” she whispered to Jeff, pointing at the bottle. “Don’t give him a reason to hurt you.”
    He hesitated, clearly debating the wisdom of taking the water-bottle gun with him. Finally, he set the makeshift weapon in a dark corner near the door.
    She took Jeff’s outstretched hand, grateful not to be alone in this nightmare.
    They followed Kyle out of the shed. The guy with the nasty scar had his equally nasty-looking rifle pointed at their hearts.
    Kyle led them away from the hut toward a small house fitted with a ramp instead of stairs leading to the front door.
    Jeff nudged her in the side with his elbow. When she glanced his way, he gestured with his chin to her right. She turned her gaze to find herself looking at a large greenhouse surrounded by tall marijuana plants. There was a warehouse a little farther away. Also a large generator. The origin of the vibrating sound they’d heard. But what interested her most were the two jeeps and a van. Probably the same van they’d arrived in.
    If they could get to one of them, they could escape. But that was a big if.
    She noticed that several men, ranging in age from younger than Kyle to old and gray, stopped whatever they were doing to gawk at them. Why were there no women?
    At the house, Kyle opened the door and stepped aside.
    “You’re not coming in?” Tessa asked the younger man.
    He shook his head before scurrying away.
    “Move it,” the guard said as he prodded her forward with the tip of his weapon.
    Jeff growled and stepped in front of her. “Don’t touch her.”
    Tessa shivered at the menace in Jeff’s expression as he confronted the other man. Though his scarred face appeared carved in stone, the thug gave way a step.
    “Come in, please,” a voice called from inside the open door.
    Tessa turned to see a man in a wheelchair waving them inside. He had silver hair and a full white beard that concealed most of his ruddy complexion. Light gray eyes regarded her intently. A blanket covered his legs. His upper body looked strong, muscled.
    Jeff urged her inside. The guard followed, keeping the weapon pointed at their backs. Tessa imagined a big, round target taped to her spine.
    “Call off your guard dog,” Jeff said between clenched teeth.
    The man in the wheelchair smiled slightly. “Emil is here for my protection.” He gestured with his hand, and Emil lowered his weapon and stepped back.
    Tessa had no doubt Emil could swiftly raise the rifle and shoot them both before they could get out of the way.
    “What do you intend to do with us?” Jeff asked.
    “That all depends on you, Agent Steele.”
    “You were waiting for us,” Jeff stated. “Your men at the lake missed on purpose.”
    The man inclined his head. “That is correct.”
    “To what end?” Jeff pressed.
    “Please, let’s not discuss business standing here in the entryway.” He gripped the wheel handles, spun his chair and rolled down a hallway.

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