Something Borrowed

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Book: Something Borrowed by Louisa George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louisa George
Mongolia? Because I'm sure they have grooming there too. Never mind. We’ll work around it. Now. Hop. Up.’
    ‘No… I’ve just never been given… oh, never mind.’ After wriggling her lovely favourite electric blue wool skirt up to her waist, Chloe lay on the bed. And no, having someone peruse her lady garden never got any easier, stranger or not. ‘Short, back and sides, please,’ she said, attempting a joke to cut the icy atmosphere.
    ‘Hmm.’ Sheena/Shona/Sheila looked for a few seconds at Chloe’s nether regions, the dying whale muzak in the background clearly having no calming effect on her mood as she sighed irritatedly. Her head popped up. ‘First date?’
    ‘What? How did you guess?’
    ‘It’s a bit busy down here. Not been getting any action? Know what I mean, right? Ha, ha!’ She tucked tissue paper into Chloe’s knicker seam and pulled her left leg into an impossibly painful position, bent at the knee, toes touching her right thigh. The hot yoga had been a whole lot easier, before she’d fainted, obviously. ‘Or were you growing it out for a reason?’
    Chloe closed her eyes and died a little inside. Over the last three months, she'd had more on her mind than waxing. ‘No, I’ve just been… busy.’
    ‘Well, good news is, you have enough fluff to make a lovely shape. You want a shape? I can do hearts, a star. No? A landing strip? I’ve got bling if you want? You want some vajazzle?’ The Sh lady gave her first genuine smile of the consultation, clearly convinced she was dealing with a halfwit. ‘What’s his name, love? I could do his initial.’
    Good God. No. No man was worth this. Ever.
    Anyway, would she do B for Big or C for Carlhuna? Too many probables. ‘No, just a regular front bottom shape will do. Thanks. Just a little less hair, please.’
    ‘If you’re sure. Though, that could take a while.’ The wax was just a little too hot as Madame Sheena/Shona/Sheila schlepped it onto Chloe’s inner thigh. Then she rolled up her bright cerise sleeves. ‘Okay, darling, take a big deep breath and let it out slowly. I’m going in.’

Chapter 5
    A s it was , it took more than a while and now Chloe was running late. Not running as such, because Sheena/Shona/Sheila hadn’t been as adept with the waxing silks as she could have been, and Chloe’s inner thighs schtuck together painfully as she rushed towards Covent Garden.
    Every step made her feel exactly as she imagined Velcro to feel—if it were part of the human anatomy—every rip apart was an exquisite agony. She was beginning to regret not wearing any tights, but the only possibility of relief was the gentle breeze that blew up her skirt as she half strode, half hobbled across the square, the meet cafe in sight.
    Well, it certainly was busy—no opportunity for any axe wielding here, she mused with relief. Her phone vibrated in her pocket as she squeezed through the door someone was holding open for her.
    Jenna: All okay?
    Chloe quickly texted back: Not met him yet TXT again in 15
    ‘Reminding yourself of what I look like?’ A voice from behind had her turning round. There stood a man, maybe three inches shorter than she was and grinning nervously. His strawberry-blond hair was pulled back into a little neat man bun. He had nice eyes. Palest blue. Yes, he was the man from her laptop, no need to check. ‘Chloe? Right? I thought I might have to have a sneaky look at your picture again too. Mind you, it makes little difference what with Photoshop these days. You, however, look just like you did on Chat. Reassuringly. Although, quite a lot thinner. I’m Carl, and I’m garbling. Sorry.’
    ‘Hi, Carl. It was just a text; I wasn’t checking your photo.’ She waved her phone at him then didn’t quite know what to do next. What was first date etiquette? As she pondered this conundrum, he tiptoed and leant towards her face, clearly about to kiss her hello. She ducked to the left at the same moment he ducked to her left too. Their

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