Some Like It Hot

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Book: Some Like It Hot by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Florida breeze and our picnic under them as we watched the sun dip below the Atlantic Ocean.
    Raven released a deep sigh. The problem she was having was the fact that she was remembering, which was something she didn’t want to do. Ever since the plant had arrived she’d had memories of her and Linc’s picnic on the beach one afternoon.
    During the day the beach had been crowded, but in the late afternoon you could usually find a secluded spot. They had found the perfect place under a cluster of palm trees. She remembered Linc spreading a blanket out on the sand. He’d then pulled her down on the blanket next to him. Opening the picnic basket the hotel had prepared for them, he had withdrawn grilled chicken sandwiches, chips, grapes, a bottle of wine, and two wineglasses. After filling both glasses, he had handed one to her and then raised his own. “Here’s to graduation in a few months, but more important, here’s to what has been a beautiful and special week,” he had murmured hoarsely.
    “To graduation and to a beautiful and special week,” she had repeated, touching her glass to his, then sipping the wine.
    Raven shook her head, bringing her thoughts back to the present, not at all happy that she’d had them in the past yet again. Thoughts and memories were intruding into her work time, and she couldn’t allow that to continue. No man had ever competed with her attention to her work assignments. And she was determined that Lincoln Corbain wouldn’t be the first.
    She didn’t want to think about their nights together, the warmth and hard feel of his body as it lay atop hers, or the sounds she’d heard in the pitch-black of their hotel room: sounds of their heavy breathing, their moans, groans, and passionate cries. And she refused to think about their mornings and waking up to the brightness of his eyes that still glowed with wanting and inner fire.
    Raven picked up her glass to take another sip of her wine. The tingling warmth of the liquid that flowed down her throat matched the tingling warmth that flowed through her limbs and pooled at her core whenever she remembered Linc making love to her.
    For the first time in four years she suddenly felt unbearably hungry, but it wasn’t food that her body craved.
    Sitting across the room at the crowded bar, Linc watched as Raven took another sip of her wine. His steady gaze watched as she lifted the glass to her lips, slightly tipped her head back, and arched her neck. Never before had observing a woman sipping her drink been sensuous enough to send involuntary tremors of arousal through him.
    “Do you want a refill?” the bartender asked, intruding on Linc’s thoughts. Linc noticed the man wasn’t Flint and remembered that Flint only moonlighted a couple of nights of the week and Friday wasn’t one of them.
    “No, thanks, this is it for me tonight.”
    “You’re planning on sticking around, aren’t you?” the bartender asked.
    Linc glanced over at the table where Raven was sitting alone. “Possibly. Why?”
    “It’s Sixties and Seventies Night. There’s bound to be a lot of dancing going on.”
    Linc nodded. A delicious thought drifted through his mind. It was one of him holding Raven in his arms while he danced with her to a very slow tune, with the heat of his body pressing against hers long enough for him to savor the contact.
    “In that case I’ll definitely be sticking around.”
    An upbeat selection of sixties and seventies music filled the club as one singing group after another took the stage. First it had been the Commodores, then the Delfonics, and now the Dells. A large number of people crowded the dance floor. Most of them were couples, and others were in groups. There were even a few bold singles dancing anything and everything from swing to the bump, to the whatever-you-want-to-call-it current style of dancing.
    Raven smiled as her gaze took in the entire scene. People were really enjoying themselves, as was evident in

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