Snow: The White Crow

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Book: Snow: The White Crow by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Erotic Fiction, Lesbian
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was telling me.  I kept catching something red and fluttering, moving fast between the trees, faster than anything human could move.  It was following a darkness with the intent of a hunter.  Was it growling?  Was that darkness it chased what had sent me here?
    I awoke with a start.  My semi-automatic in one hand and my silver knife in the other.  I looked at the door as Rachel walked in carrying two coffees.  She grinned at me as I lowered my weapons.  “Whoa, there Rambo.  Nothing to shoot here.”  She offered a cup to me.  “Coffee?”
    I sheathed the knife, holstered the Sig, and accepted the coffee.  “Thanks.”  I stretched and stood and sipped.  I felt strong, recharged.  The nap did its job.  I glanced down at my brand that looked like nothing more than a white crow tattoo now, its light dormant. I took another sip.  The aroma was nice and the coffee was a little bitter.  Once again, I was struck that I still mimicked being human, as I didn't need the drink, but I still enjoyed the experience.
    I wondered, not for the first time, where all the food and drink went.  I never ummm... expelled any waste.  I guess there's no tactful way to put that.  Maybe my body still converted it to energy and that energy trickled into my magic reservoir?
    She looked at me over the rim of her coffee cup as she asked, “Does that happen every time you sleep?”
    I squinted at her, had she known I was dreaming, did I talk in my sleep?  I nodded. “The dreams are always there.”
    Now she squinted as she shook her head.  She opened her mouth then closed it again.  I stood then put my coffee cup on her dresser and started absently sorting her clothes.  Then she said, “No, the thing with the light.”
    I paused as I was sniffing a shirt to determine if it were clean or dirty and looked up at her.  “What light thing?”
    She cocked an eyebrow.  “When you finally drifted off your body went completely still I couldn't hear you breathing, I couldn't hear your heart beating.  It scared the shit out of me, I thought you had died or something.  But your skin was warm to the touch.  Then all these little streamers of white light, like small streams or wisps came.  Yeah, that was it, like will o' the wisps, they seemed to come from everywhere and blanketed you.  It was so bright I couldn't look directly at you as they layered you in light.  I got the impression of brilliant white feathers.”
    She shrugged and finished, “I figured that is how you recharged your magic and the light made me feel...”  Her eyes dropped.  “...dirty?  So I left you to umm... sleep?”
    I stood motionless for a second then continued sorting clothes.  “I'm not sure really, I've never really seen myself sleeping, have you?”  I gave her a toothy grin.
    She chuckled and said, “I suppose not.”  Then added as she sat on the bed to watch me clean her room.  She almost whispered, “It was beautiful.  I felt happy watching it, but a part of me, the wolf part made me feel ashamed.”  Then her voice returned to normal. “Anyway, I'm glad you're awake.  It's two hours before sunset.  I can drop you near your camp and have plenty of time to get back here and cage my beast before the full moon claims me.”
    Then she added, “You really are welcome to stay here instead.  It would be safer and make me feel better.  My panic cage is always available to you.”
    I smiled warmly at her.  “I'll think about it.”  Then teased, “You're worried about me.  You liiike me.”
    She made a decidedly wolf-like sound, like a chuff and said, “You're more of a bitch than I will be in a couple hours.”
    I apologize to the heavens, but I snorted at that.  Though I did think it was funny, part of me was angry she belittled herself with that same humor.  Was she blushing?   I spoke to let her compose herself,  “I'll just walk, it's only a couple miles from here straight back into the mountains.  I'd be there before

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