
Read Online Slave by Cheryl Brooks - Free Book Online

Book: Slave by Cheryl Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Brooks
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
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    point I’d have to tell him that, though the water supply was recycled, it took a little while and he might run out at some point if he stayed in there forever. But since it was possibly the first bath he’d had in years, I figured I’d let him enjoy it, at least this once. Apparently he didn’t have the aversion to water that some Earth cats did, and it made me wonder just how many feline characteristics he had in common with them—did he purr, for example, and what would it take to make him do it?
    I took him some shampoo while he was in there—it was the stuff I used myself whenever I happened to spend a little too much time around someone that I suspected had lice of some form. This was another commodity that I’d bought several cases of, and it sells well, too, especially on these dirty little back worlds like Orpheseus. I didn’t have anything on hand to take out his tangles since my own short hair didn’t require it, and I hoped we wouldn’t have to end up chopping off those long tresses because I thought they would be quite attractive when they were clean. Maybe I’d have to comb it out for him—I could do it while he ate. After all, once you’ve pulled a ring out of a man’s cock, combing his hair should be no big deal. Besides, I didn’t have anything better to do while we flew to Statzeel, since
apparently I didn’t need to find another planet to drop him off on after all.
    I heated up some more of the stew I’d had for dinner and set it out for him, wondering if he would use a spoon or eat it right out of the bowl. I’d seen some strange eating rituals during my sojourn in space; maybe I’d have to teach him how to use a knife and fork, too. After all, he’d said he would eat anything; he just didn’t say how ….
    I’d seen the man naked, restrained, unconscious, sexually aroused, angry, terrified, and in pain, but I was wholly unprepared for just how incredibly good he would look right after coming out of the shower. The mere sight of him took my jaded, cynical, and completely unromantic breath away, and it was all I could do to point out the food that was waiting for him on the table. Cat didn’t seem to notice my sudden afflic-tion, but merely smiled and pulled his hair back over his shoulders as he sat down to eat. I did have enough wits left to notice that he seemed to know how to use a spoon, but the rest of what I saw was pure animal attraction.
    I drifted back over to the pilot’s console and sat back, toying with my flight controls, but not really doing anything in particular while I watched him eat.
    Hungry as he must have been, I noted that he didn’t wolf down his food, but sat there quietly savoring every mouthful. The stew was decent, but it wasn’t that good and it made me wonder just what kind of garbage he’d been living on.
    After studying him carefully, I came to the conclusion that if he were a typical specimen, then his people must have all been downright beautiful. As a general rule, I’d
found most aliens to be unattractive, if not repulsive on the whole, but this one was decidedly the opposite, for, in addition to the other attributes which I have already described, his hair was the shiniest, blackest mass of spiral curls I’d ever seen on any native of any planet in any system. It was thick and luxuriant and made my fingers itch to delve into it, but I was denied that treat because he’d managed to get the tangles out all by himself and had even dried it using my handy-dandy Insta-Dry shower attachment that pulls the evaporated water back in to be recycled. He wasn’t too stupid if he could figure out how that thing worked; I’d had to try twice before figuring it out myself.
    Unfortunately, being clean and dry made his wounds and scars that much more prominent. He was nearly finished eating when I finally gave in to temptation and picked up the tube of Derivian ointment from where I’d laid it and

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