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Book: Slave by Cheryl Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Brooks
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
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went over to put some of it on the open sores on his back, firmly telling myself that I was not doing it just because I wanted to touch him. I had to move his hair out of the way to get to some of the sores and discovered that those curls truly felt every bit as good as they looked. I stood behind him, breathing in his essence, noting that whatever had smelled bad on him before was now completely gone. The funny thing was that I couldn’t actually smell anything, but it did something to me anyway; and after the stench of Orpheseus Prime, he was a welcome change.
    I had applied the ointment to all of his wounds and was recapping the tube when he got slowly to his feet and turned around to face me. “You forgot a place,” he said.
Seemingly of their own accord, my eyes swept downward to follow the treasure trail of dark curls down to his groin. The spot to which he was referring was patently obvious, for his penis was fully erect and a droplet of blood had oozed from the site where his piercing had been. Surely he wouldn’t insist that I do that as well!
    He gazed down at me with those dark, but glowing, eyes and blinked slowly. He was so much more attractive now that he was relaxed and comfortable, and his nostrils flared ever so slightly, just as they had done when I’d been standing close to him in the plaza. Whatever it was that he had smelled then to arouse him in such a fashion, he must be catching whiffs of right now.
    What was it the Cylopean had said? A receptive female in the area? Oh, surely not! I chided myself. No one’s sense of smell could be that good!—could it? And I certainly wasn’t receptive—was I?
    Then another of my questions about him was answered, for—honest to God!—he began to purr. He gestured toward his cock, and I pulled the cap off of the tube of ointment and held it out to him.
    “No,” he said, still purring softly, “do it for me, if you will.”
    I felt as though I were in some sort of trance and he was controlling me by the power of suggestion alone—I mean, I can’t explain why I would have done what I did otherwise. Reaching down, I applied a small amount to the affected area and my eyes widened as his cock pulsed beneath my fingers.
    “It has been too long since I have felt the gentle touch of a female hand,” he murmured. “Too long.”
Oh, how on Earth could I have been so stupid? Of course , any slave I bought would have been deprived of any pleasant experiences! He probably hadn’t been with a woman in years, and now, here I was, alone on my ship with him! He was clean and well-fed and comfortable for the first time in who knew how long; the only thing missing was the sex. This was a factor I hadn’t considered when making my plans for Ranata’s rescue.
    I couldn’t afford to let it happen, though, because sex always clouded my judgment, making me botch the simplest of tasks and blow every deal I was involved in.
    This was definitely not the time to be making mistakes, for too much hung in the balance. I cleared my throat quietly.
    “Perhaps we can find you a mate on Statzeel,” I suggested, hoping my tone was more casual than my nerves were. “If the one I saw myself was any indication, their women are all very beautiful.” I felt another twinge of pain in my heart when I uttered those words. It shouldn’t have hurt me to say that, but, for some reason, it did.
    “I would not want a mate who was my slave,” he said quietly. “I would want someone like you, who was free and who wanted me.” He studied me carefully with those gleaming eyes and inhaled again, as though rechecking my scent to assure himself that he had gotten it correctly.
    His purr grew louder as he breathed more deeply. “You do want me, do you not?”
    My mouth went completely dry and my voice came out with a croak. “You can’t possibly know that,” I protested weakly. “I—I’m human. Have you ever met a human before?”
He shook his head. “Not before this,” he said. “But

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