SkyFall (Taken on the Wing Book 2)

Read Online SkyFall (Taken on the Wing Book 2) by Elizabeth Munro - Free Book Online

Book: SkyFall (Taken on the Wing Book 2) by Elizabeth Munro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Munro
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a seat on the patio, ” Cooper instructs as they step from the
    Patio is another new word and she
hesitates, looking for something obvious or better yet something with a label
but nothing she thinks could be a patio presents itself.
    “ Through the glass doors, Cloud, ” Cooper calls as he disappears. “ There are some chairs. Put your foot up
and I ’ ll get you some ice. ”
    The glass doors are more than thirty feet
away on the other side of a huge room filled with dark colours and carved wood.
Stone sculpture covers every surface. Although it doesn ’ t feel much like a cave, Cloud can ’ t get past the knowledge she ’ s not in a real mountain. She makes three
steps down and passes an immense sofa that would fit half a dozen winged
gryphons before she slows, her eyes settling on a four foot tall drawing of a
very familiar man.
    With the patio and the doors forgotten,
Cloud hobbles closer to the picture.
    “ It ’ s you, ” she
announces as Cooper approaches.
    “ You should sit, ” he says as his cold fingers take her
elbow. In his other hand he holds a couple of ice bags.
    “ The hair is different, ” she compares. “ And the jaw is a little small but it ’ s you. ”
    “ Seems to have been the fashion then. The
picture is fifty years old. ”
    “ Did you make it? ”
    “ No, ” Cooper tugs and Cloud watches the picture
as he leads her out into the heat and blinding light of August. Thunderheads
stack up miles to the south and Cloud stops. Even up on the roof and so close
to shelter, instinct kicks in warning her to keep her distance.
    The soft pat of a palm on fabric draws
her attention. Cooper sits on a bright red padded chair opposite an identically
coloured lounge.
    “ Fifty years ago my life changed forever, ” he says. His voice starts out bright,
reflecting the intense sun then darkens with the storm clouds that have already
changed shape.
    “ Was a female involved? ” Cloud immediately
regrets her insensitivity but he doesn ’ t
seem to notice, instead taking too much time arranging the ice on her ankle and
offering the smaller bag for her wrist. She can ’ t help but hope he already has a female
and dinner is just an attempt to make up for her injury.
    “ I knew right away that choosing her would
force me into exile with my family. We ’ d
already had a falling out over ideological differences, several in fact, and I
was certain choosing her would bring me death or exile. I was exiled and I ’ m not yet sure that I still don ’ t face death. ”
    “ I don ’ t understand, ” Cloud says. Just because your sire doesn ’ t like your mate is no reason to cast a
child out.
    Or kill them.
    Cooper stands and takes a step toward her
then his hands drop and he reaches for his buckle. Cloud ’ s thick swallow hides not only discomfort
but interest. She ’ s seen plenty of naked
gryphons, nudity in the eyrie is quite normal, but she ’ s never seen a naked human. Then thoughts
of naked gryphons remind her of Soar. The jerk disappeared from her life and
turned up just in time to thrust her into this one.
    Once the belt is free he opens the button
and pulls his shirt clear. What the hell is he doing? Showing her all the goods
before he asks her to mate with him?
    The pants only drop a small amount and
Cooper pulls the shirt up revealing a rough white scar just below his navel.
The circle of tooth marks is a mating bite and Cloud can ’ t help but relax. The position of Dame is
already filled.
    “ She passed many years ago, ” Cooper says as he tucks his shirt in and
does his pants back up. “ I guess I needed to show you
how deep my connection to her still is and how important my remaining family is
to me. Her mark reminds me every day that choosing her was the right thing to
do although the personal price I paid included her death.
    “ Do you remember when I asked you about
the choice you made with the royal male at Master Sky ’ s? ”
    “ Daniel, ” an older woman

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