Skin Walkers: Leto

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Book: Skin Walkers: Leto by Susan Bliler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Bliler
sorry, but we simply don’t know if you can be trusted.”
    “I…” Shy began tentatively relieved that the men had backed off wanting her to tell Leto about the baby.  “I can provide you with information in exchange for asylum.  Just…just until my baby is born.  But I went Leto kept away from me and he can never know about the baby.”
    Monroe’s jaw worked before he demande d, “What type of information?”
    Shy looked at Aries, hope springing to life.  “They have files on many Walkers.  I’ve read them .  Most of them.  I can tell you what they know.”
    Monroe’s expression darkened .
    “And they’re doing research.  I can tell you what they’re working on, what they’re looking for.  I-I spent a year and a half with them, worked by their side.  I know intimate details, layout of the facility, hierarchy of the staff.  Most importantly, I know the information they have on StoneCrow.”
    Monroe’s brows drew together, “They know nothing of StoneCrow!”
    Shy shook her head, “Not the location or the name, but they are aware that Walkers are congregating, forming an alliance.  They know you’ve started a…a colony.”
    Monroe cursed under his breath.  “I’m not sure even that’s enough to placate the Walkers here.”    
    “Then let someone vouch for her.” Lilly challenged drawing his gaze back to her.
    “Who? ”  Monroe demanded, “Who do you think wants that responsibility?  If she is here under deception it will cost her life and the life of whoever would be foolish enough to vouch for her Lilly.  No one will take that chance.”
    Lilly ’s chin lifted defiantly and Monroe knew he was fucked.  “ I will take that responsibility.”
    “NO!” King’s eyes darkened dangerously as he strode angrily to his wife and pulled her to him, clamping one hand at her lower back while the other lifted her chin until her eyes met his.  “I will never restrict you in anything but this.  You may not vouch for her my queen or anyone ever. I will not allow it.”
    Lilly opened her mouth to argue, but was cut off as Aries stepped forward shrugging her shoulders indifferently, “I’ll vouch for her.” 
    Wordlessly Conn stepp ed up behind his wife. One strong arm pulled her back into his chest and the other covered her mouth as she struggled under his grasp, muffled cusswords still distinguishable.  Conn scowled at Monroe and slowly shook his head.  Conn too would not risk the life of his mate for an outsider.
    Jenny who’d stood silently glanced at Shy with sadness on her face.  She knew her Bishop would never permit her to risk her life to vouch for another and a Walker angel needed her mate’s permission to vouch for anyone.
    “You see Lilly there is no one willing,” Monroe grinned then displaying his perfect white teeth, “or allowed to vouch for her.”
    “I vouch for her.”
    Aries stopped struggling under Conn’s grip and all eyes turned to the door and Leto as he stood with his arms outstretched braced on either side of the doorway.

Chapter 11
    Shy withdrew deeper into the room until she was partially hidden from Leto’s view, her hand instinctively going to her belly as she bowed her head to keep from seeing him.
    “How long have you been listening?” Monroe challenged.
    Leto’s outstretched arms shook as he made great efforts to keep himself erect.  “Long enough to hear that you’re attempting to release my prisoner under the guise of bullshit policy.”  Leto’s jaw was clamped tight as he sneered at the CEO.
    Monroe stood and strode closer to the door, putting himself between Shy and Leto to block the angry Walker from scowling at her.  “You don’t think Walkers will want her blood once they find out she’s worked with the Megalya?”
    Leto’s eyes snapped to Shy and his lip curled back in derision, “S he is Megalya?”
    Shy winced and turned her back on the room.
    “No,” Aries countered, “she was an intern before they turned on

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