Sin With Cuffs

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Book: Sin With Cuffs by Rhonda Lee Carver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver
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his heart skip. “Don’t you, Lem? In a small way?”
    “No, I don’t. I’ll admit that my heart was broken when you left, but everything happens for a reason. Hell, you and I could be married now with a couple of rug rats.” Her shocked look made him smile. “Yeah, you’re thinking what I’m thinking. You and I would have driven each other crazy first. What sort of life would that be?” he said.
    The bell above the door chimed. Liam turned his attention around and gave the older man a wave in greeting. “Hey, John.”
    “Hello there, Liam. How’s life treating you?”
    “I can’t complain,” Liam answered.
    The aged man kept his grey gaze steady on Holly, but Liam doubted John would remember her, if he could even see her from across the room. Liam noticed that Holly didn’t make a move to reintroduce herself to the older man who she used to visit regularly to help him with his farm animals. In fact, she turned her cheek and stared out the window. He found her disconnection odd. He wondered if she’d heard the newest rumor that they were sleeping together. Hell, he didn’t give a damn. People would believe what they wanted.
    “You always said you wanted kids.” Her voice was soft.
    “I did, but I guess it wasn’t meant to happen.” A pain rippled across his chest. He’d wondered what it’d be like to have a boy who enjoyed the things he liked, or a daughter who called him daddy.
    “You’re young. Don’t count your chances gone yet.” She drained her cup.
    “Want another?” he asked.
    “I better not.”
    He emptied his own cup. “After the funeral I went back to your house and had a look outside. I did find something suspicious.”
    Her chin slanted. “You did?”
    “I found a print along the south side of the house, underneath the kitchen window. I believe the marking was made by a boot, possibly a construction boot.”
    Her eyes narrowed. “A boot print? I told you someone was at my house.”
    “Don’t get your hopes up. It’s a partial print. I can’t even get a size. It could be anyone’s footprint,” he said in disappointment.
    “The south side is next to the garage. The security light on the street corner isn’t bright enough. I should probably get another installed in the yard.”
    “That’s a good idea.” He lowered his voice as he said the next words, “By the obvious wearing in the mud I’d say it’s a fresh print. I looked after the brick incident and I’m sure it wasn’t there. I’d examined that area very well.”
    “And that’s all—only one partial print?” She laid her palms onto the table.
    “I took a mold, but with only half, I don’t think it’ll do much good,” he said. He hated seeing her unhappy.
     “Did my grandma have any trouble with prowlers?”
    “Not even once. Everyone in town knew she owned a gun and wouldn’t hesitate to use it.”
    “Are you suggesting that I should find that gun?” Her brows came together.
    He smiled and guessed she was feisty enough to shoot someone. “I don’t think we need to go that far yet. I’d hate for you to injure yourself.”
    “Very funny. You know I learned how to handle a firearm long before you did. Grandma told me to shoot first and ask questions later.”
    The spirited gene pool of Doris Young definitely didn’t skip Holly’s blood. “If I was your grandma, I would have told you to aim for one of three places: the head, the heart or the crotch. Any of those three are sure to kill or slow down an intruder. However, you can’t just shoot someone. There are laws in using a gun as protection. As chief, I’d suggest you call me if you have any trouble.”
    “So you can help make the shooting look like an accident?”
    “That’s not what I meant.” He wondered if she were only joking, but he had a feeling she was serious. “I can’t legally advise you to shoot someone.”
    “Do you intend on coming to my rescue every time something happens?” Her face softened. “It seems

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