Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2)

Read Online Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2) by Jamallah Bergman - Free Book Online

Book: Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2) by Jamallah Bergman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamallah Bergman
cream-colored blouse with an emerald green brooch at her neck. Her makeup was
immaculate, for all she really wore was a bit of blush on her smooth skin and
what Delia would call “Killer red” lipstick. “What can I get you to drink,
    “Some water with lemon,
please.” The hostess left them alone as Delia let out a sigh. “It’s good to see
you Mrs. Smith.”
    “You look well, Delia.
I’m glad that you were able to come meet me for lunch.”
    “I appreciate you
asking me here to meet you for lunch. But I must ask though, why did you invite
me here?”
    She watched the woman’s
demeanor turn just as cold as the look in her eyes. “I will be frank with you,
Delia. From the very first time Rodger brought you over to meet us, I have to
admit that I really didn’t care for you at all. You basically were not the type
of woman I had wanted for my son. In a way, you kind of reminded me of how I
was when I was your age. I didn’t want that for my son, I wanted a woman with
grace and poise and status--which are things that you don’t possess at all.”
    Delia wasn’t about to
get mad even though the more this woman talked, the more Delia was getting
annoyed with her words. “How can you say that? Besides, I could tell that
neither you nor your husband cared for me because you thought that I was after
your son’s money. But I am sorry to tell you, Mrs. Smith, that Rodger never
told me anything about the fact that he was rich. He kept it from me for over a
year before he let me know. I told him like I am telling you, that I could have
cared less whether his family was rich or not, I love him for who he is.”
    That’s when Mrs. Smith
started to laugh and it wasn’t a funny laugh but rather it was the laugh of
someone who didn’t believe a word being said. “The reason I brought you here is
that you will no longer be seeing Rodger.”
    “What!” Delia
exclaimed, completely in shock. “You can’t be serious.”
    “I am very serious,
young lady. My husband is dying from cancer. He had been in remission for two
years and now it’s back again. He’s going through chemo but we don’t think that
it will help him. All we can do is pray to God and hope that it will work.
Rodger has gotten all of this mess out of his system to do what he wanted to do
with his life. Living on his own, working where he wanted, being with a woman
that he just basically wanted to screw around with.”
    “Take that back, old
    “I will not take it
back. I meant what I said. Do you honestly think that you and Rodger were going
to get married when he had millions on the line? His father told him that if he
was to die and Rodger was still with you then he wouldn’t get a penny of his
money. So, he was given a choice. Stay where he was in that humdrum job of
delivering at that stupid shop, dealing with a woman who he knows deep down he
doesn’t love. Or, he can return to working for his father and start off fresh
with people that he’s known for all of his life growing up. Start dating again
with someone of his caliber.”
    “You mean someone with
    “Not just with money
but someone with class and sense.”
    Delia’s throat slowly
tightened and it seemed to make Mrs. Smith feel good to see her in such misery.
But she shook it off and said, “I honestly don’t believe you, you’re making all
of this shit up to get back at me.”
    “Well, hold on one
second.” Rodger’s mother grabbed her phone from her purse, pressed a button and
waited a moment before saying, “Come inside now.” Looking at Delia, she said,
“Since you don’t believe me, then I’ll let someone else tell you the truth.”
Soon the waitress brought over Delia’s water but not before she looked toward
the door and saw Rodger walking into the restaurant wearing what looked like a
very expensive tan business suit. He looked so solemn when he came her way and
he didn’t look her in the eyes. She moved over for him but he sat down

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