Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2)

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Book: Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2) by Jamallah Bergman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamallah Bergman
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his mother instead. All the time Mrs. Smith sat there with a smile meant for
the devil. “Tell her,” she demanded as Rodger huffed a bit like he didn’t want
to even say a word, much less look at Delia.
    “I’m sorry, Delia, but
I think it’s time we moved on with our lives.” He couldn’t even look her in the
face, which only made her start to grind her back teeth.
    “You can’t be serious,
Rodger. We’ve been together too long for you to act this way toward me.”
    “I think it’s best that
we move on with our lives.”
    “Shut the fuck up,
Rodger, I heard you say that already. What I want to know from you is this and
I want you to look at me when you give me the answer. Did our relationship mean
anything to you over the years? Didn’t our love mean anything to you?” She was
visibly shaking by the time she asked him this, not looking at the smirk on his
mother’s face.
    The look in his eyes
was something she would have etched in her mind along with the words that
seemed to cut her soul like a machete knife. “No, our relationship was nothing
more than a fling, Delia.”
    She couldn’t believe
what she was hearing and when he looked her in the eyes, Delia knew that he was
telling the truth. It felt like all of her insides had turned to liquid and she
felt like she was choking on her own vomit. She looked at Mrs. Smith who had a
look of complete satisfaction over what she had accomplished…breaking Delia’s
heart in two.
    “So this is it, huh?
Well, I hope you enjoy your millions and millions of dollars because honestly,
it won’t bring you a bit of happiness. And you think I don’t have any class or
sense, Mrs. Smith? Well, I can tell you that I have more class and self-respect
than you will ever have in your lifetime. You are nothing more than a
vindictive selfish old bitch!” Taking her glass she threw the water in the old
woman’s face, hearing her gasp in shock as it splashed over on Rodger as well.
Delia grabbed her purse as Rodger tried to say, “Why’d you...?” But a slap
across his face stopped him from saying another word as she didn’t realize how
much force she had put into it. He was on the floor looking up as some of the
other patrons in the restaurant looked either shocked or dumbfounded by the
calamity that had ensued.
    Making her way out and toward
her car, Delia’s head was swimming with anger as she peeled out of the parking
lot. Her foot was on the accelerator so hard that she didn’t realize how fast
she was going. The entire time she found herself going along the stretch of
road, every curve and turn she made was accompanied by a squeal of her tires.
Her sobs continued even when she heard the sound of the siren of the police
car. She pulled over to the side while looking into the rearview mirror, tears
still clouding her vision as the flashing red and blue lights seemed like they
were mixed together to make a purple hue. Going into her glove compartment, she
grabbed a napkin to try and compose herself. Soon a tap was heard on her window
and she hit the button to let it down. The police officer was one of those older
men with one of those buzz cuts who was probably in his late fifties. “Ma’am,
do you realize that you are going seventy-three in a forty-five mph speed
    It was too much for her
to even bear hearing as the sobs got even more intense, and her head went onto
the steering wheel with a small thud as she continued to cry.

    * * * *

    “Thank you, and please
come again.” Jaslyn said while handing the young woman a bag. Looking at the
clock, she realized that Delia was about an hour late. She had called her cell
but got no answer plus she hadn’t called to let Jaslyn know she’d be late.
Thinking that if she called again that maybe Delia would answer, she picked up
the phone but saw Renzo coming through the door. The look on his face caused
Jaslyn to become concerned.
    “I got a call from
someone down at Luana’s, it seems that

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