Silver Spoon

Read Online Silver Spoon by Cheyenne Meadows - Free Book Online

Book: Silver Spoon by Cheyenne Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne Meadows
Tags: contemporary adventure erotic romance
comfortably on his lap. The five o'clock shadow leaned more toward his rough and tumble side while making for an alluring combination with his looks and body build. A heady mixture that pricked her libido, sent her belly to flipping, and sped her heart.
    "You want me." His whispered voice carried sultry heat and a promise of pleasure to come.
    She didn't argue, not when her body and mind agreed heartily with his observation. After years of uncertainty with men, and the dating process in general, she marveled at the fact she sat on his lap and knew she wouldn't refuse his sexual advances. Heck, she eagerly awaited them.
    "I think so."
    One eyebrow shot up. "Think?"
    Leaning forward, she rubbed her nose against his. "I know so," she whispered against his lips then gently meshed her mouth over his. Just as she learned the contour and feel of the chaste kiss, he took control, opening his mouth and encouraging her to do the same. Once she complied, his tongue aggressively snaked past her lips, flicking over her tongue.
    Riley delved in, pouring all her unsaid emotions into the simple sharing of tastes. His hands wandered upward, stroking along her back before boldly cupping her breasts. Heightened sensitivity and pleasure surged through her. She clenched her fingers, digging through his shirt into solid muscle underneath. Biting back a moan at the sensation of his thumbs stroking across her pebbled nipples, she hastily grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifting enough to slide her fingers underneath, desperately needing to touch him anywhere and everywhere.
    He followed suit, tugging at her shirt, unclasping her bra, and repeating his caress on her bare skin. At the same time, his tongue plundered her mouth, leaving no area unchecked.
    She flinched in gut reaction to the novel feel of a man's hands on her bare breasts. He weighed the orbs with his palms then tenderly tweaked her nipple. Her belly somersaulted and she pressed into his body, instinctively begging for more.
    A ringing phone warbled loudly.
    Startled, Riley pulled back, clumsily almost falling off Spoon's lap as he shifted to pull his phone from the leather case on his jeans. He cursed under his breath and punched a button with one hand while using the other to steady her.
    A mumbled voice carried across to her, too quiet to make out the words.
    "Your timing sucks, buddy."
    The mood broken, she re-arranged her top and stood up, putting some much needed space between them. Reaching behind her, she connected the ends of her bra and pondered the sudden revelation of her rising tide of need for the man nicknamed Spoon.
    Never had she been the initiating type nor been the aggressor in to physical affection with a boyfriend. Spoon brought out the seductress buried deep inside, allowing her to control their first taste of intimacy and bolster her confidence along the way. If the phone hadn't interrupted, she might have stripped him down, thrown the last of her reservations to the wayside, and mounted up for a steamy ride.
    When did she become so needy? So lustful? The careful and cautious side of her exerted itself once more. She didn't sleep with a man so soon in a relationship. Heck, she hadn't slept with any man period. Yet, here she sat, despite knowing Spoon for only a few days, ready to jump into the sack like a kitty in full blown heat.
    Confusion, longing, and uncertainty washed over her, leading to a realization that she needed more time in order to cement her feelings and allow their relationship to step up to the stage of sexual intimacy. Rushing headlong into passion didn't fit her personality or settle her suddenly jumpy nerves around the man she cared for.
    Unsure what to do, she left Spoon to his phone call, escaping to the kitchen. Placing dirty dishes into the dishwasher, she scurried to find words to say in this awkward situation. Sorry, I temporarily went insane? I lost my nerve? The dirty dishes called to me? She snorted to herself, levering her focus

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