Shifter Mountain: A BBW Paranormal Romance

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Book: Shifter Mountain: A BBW Paranormal Romance by Annora Soule Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annora Soule
reaching the cabin. "I'm about to go inside and get some sleep.  Don't worry about me.  I'll be okay here. And about this skinwalker stuff, seriously, don't be so superstitious."
    "Jordan —"
    "I don't want to know, Andrea.  I need a good night's sleep, not a head full of creepy horror stories that aren't even true. I don't need to be up all night spooked out about nothing."
    "Just be careful.  And if anything does happen, you call me right away."
    "I will do exactly that," Jordan promised.
    When the call ended, Jordan went to open the front door of the cabin, but found it locked when he and Kay had left it unlocked before.
    Well this is a pain in the ass, he thought.
    He jiggled the doorknob in vain, hoping maybe it was just stuck.
    That's when he heard the growl.  It was low, coming from nowhere and everywhere at once.  For the third time that day (now night) the hair on the back of his neck stood up.  He turned and scanned the surroundings with his flashlight.  On the second pass, he definitely caught some eyeshine.  There was a creature lurking not far away in the dark, watching his every move.  A second pass with the light caught a second pair of eyes.  Whatever was out there, there were two of them.
    He turned to kick the door, to try to bust it open, but it still would budge.  He cou ld break a window, but it wasn't always as easy to climb through shards of glass as it looked in the movies.  He scanned the porch for a heavy enough object to get the job done.
    Then he heard a roar.
    When turned back around, he saw two black creatures walking slowly toward him on all fours.  When they got close enough, by the light of the moon he realized these were two black panthers.
    Jordan was totally at a loss for what to do.  A gun would have come in handy, but he had none.  And he had no idea what kind of advice a wildlife expert might give someone who was confronted by two aggressive big cats.
    At this point, he should have grabbed the rocking chair on the porch in order to hurl the whole thing through a window.  The panthers probably would follow him into the cabin, but he'd have a chance to find something — a gun, a knife, anything — that could be of use.
    The panthers kept their sights on him, but so far did not come any closer.  He had no idea what they wanted, other than maybe dinner, but if that was the case, shouldn't they have pounced on him by now. Something told him these panthers were not behaving normally, even though he had no knowledge or basis for making that kind of assessment.
    The n the two panthers looked past him and upward.  He realized they were looking up at the roof of the cabin.
    S o he, too, turned to look up.  But he didn't have the clear view that the panthers had.  What the hell was on the roof?  He didn't dare step down off the porch closer to the panthers to get a better look.
    In a moment, it turned out he didn't have too.  He heard a third roar, coming from above, which made it clear there was a third panther on the roof.
    Three friggin' panthers!
    Talk about being outnumbered.  A surge of adrenaline course d through Jordan, but instead of running for safety, finally busting the cabin window, he yelled at them.
    "Whoever the fuck you are, come down off that roof!"
    The two panthers on the ground froze, their ears perking up.  They took a couple of steps back away from Jordan.
    Why did I just say that?   he asked himself. 'Whoever the fuck you are?'  Why would I speak to an animal like it was a person?
    Andrea had gotten to him .  That talk about skinwalkers.  Did he subconsciously believe all that?
    Without thinking the better of it, Jordan now found himself walking down the front steps, off the porch, toward the panthers, as they themselves started to slink backwards.  Jordan was giving off aggressive signals, and the panthers should be attacking him at this point. 
    But instead, he had time enough to pick up a large rock, like he had done when he went after the

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