Shifter Magick

Read Online Shifter Magick by Stacy Kinlee - Free Book Online

Book: Shifter Magick by Stacy Kinlee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Kinlee
her cheek touched his collar bone. She concentrated on the sensation and his scent.
    Maddox rubbed her back and pulled away.
    Kera wiped her eyes and apologized.
    “Can you tell me what happened?” He asked her.
    Kera told him what she told her father and the doctors. He listened but he seemed to grow angrier with every practiced word she spoke.
    Maddox stood up and began to pace. “What did it look like?” he demanded.
    “It was huge.” She told him. “Like a log really. I could barely pick it up but it worked when I hit the wolf on the head. I didn’t know what else to do.” She was getting hysterical.
    “Not the stick Kera.” Maddox growled. “What did the damn wolf look like?”
    Kera gasped and felt her face flush with embarrassment. “It was brown. He had brown eyes and sharp teeth and my blood all over its lips. What are you going to do Maddox go find it and check for bumps on his head? I didn’t know what else to do.”
    Maddox narrowed his eyes at her and took a breath. He pulled out his pen and twirled it in his hands as he thought silently.
    Kera grew angry. “What do you want from me?” she asked him. It was a loaded question. She could mean from the beginning or right now. What did he want in the future if he even wanted something from her after today?
    “There is something you’re not telling me.” Maddox returned to her side as he spoke softly. “You might not think it is important but subconsciously you know it makes a difference. I need to know what that is Kera. I need to know all of it.”
    Kera felt exposed. She shook her head as hot tears threatened to spill. The beast sensed danger and wanted to come out to protect her. Kera didn’t know how to separate the emotions of mental harm versus physical harm. If he pushed the subject Kera could see herself telling him everything.
    Maddox’s eyes were so dark now they looked black. He was waiting for her to respond.
    Kera felt her heart jump into her throat and begin to pound frantically. She felt the pain begin and she reached out and grabbed his hand. Her back arched and her teeth ground together as she fought the beast back. Her eyes felt hot and she knew if she opened them he would see her secret.
    “Are you okay ?” Maddox sounded far away but at the same time his voice vibrated in her head.
    She winced and tried to pull her hand from his before she crushed it. “Go.” She demanded through her clinched teeth.
    Maddox didn’t move from the spot he sat beside her. “Kera, I think you are having a heart attack.” He said calmly. “I can get you to the hospital faster than an ambulance.” His arms came around her and Kera knew he was going to pick her up and cart her the entire way back to that dreadful place.
    She grabbed his shoulders and found his lips with her own. At first he tried to pull away but Kera wrapped her arms around his neck and moved with him. His lips became pliant and miraculously, he kissed her back. Kera melted into him. The heat from his hands was one thing but the poison from his lips drugged her. She moaned and was glad he was her first kiss. He was gentle and despite his earlier anger, Maddox kissed her with a tenderness she didn’t expect.
    He ran one of his hands through her hair and pulled her close with the other between her shoulder blades. She felt her body press against him and she began to drown in sensation. His head tilted and he released another wave of poison into her with the deepening of their kiss.
    Kera shivered and Maddox paused.
    “You’re better.” He whispered against her lips.
    Kera breathed heavily but realized that her beast was locked away. She used Maddox to distract herself from an almost detrimental situation. “I’m sorry.” She apologized.
    He shook his head and Kera knew she wouldn’t be able to elaborate. “It’s okay .” He promised her.
    Kera readjusted herself and noticed that her leg felt perfect now. She blushed and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

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