The Warrior Returns - Anteros 04

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Book: The Warrior Returns - Anteros 04 by Allan Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allan Cole
Tags: Fantasy
painted black on one side, white on the other.
    I watched as a pregnant woman, not long out of her childhood herself, gripped the plate and stood trembling as she waited for what would happen next.
    The Mother Oracle sprinkled magical herbs on the stone. It glowed into life and the dried herbs caught fire. Pale pink smoke with a pleasing odor whooshed up. The priestess waved a cupped hand slowly through the smoke, wafting it over the young woman several times, mumbling a swift prayer. Then she signaled and the young lady breathed deeply, braced herself, and tossed the plate as high as she could.
    Her nervousness showed, for the plate nearly knocked against the ceiling timbers. Then it tumbled down—spinning slowly—and clattered to the floor. I saw the Mother Oracle bury a smile as the young woman saw the white side staring up at her and clapped her hands and squealed with delight. The almost smile shifted into an imperious frown as if she were displeased with such a display in a holy place. The girl stuttered an apology, whirled and fled. She was grinning hugely, however, when she went past me, and I could see she was eager to tell the good news to her family and friends.
    When my turn came, I was the last in the chamber. The litde priestess bustled over to me, still full of youthful energy after many hours of tending the faithful.
    "Come this way, please," she said. "Mother Daciar awaits."
    The priestess was a pretty thing, with snapping black eyes and a coy smile. I'd caught her furtive looks of appreciation and knew she was intrigued.
    I must admit I made a rather dashing figure that day. I was wearing a knee-length, dark blue tunic with matching tights. The sleeves were cut at the shoulder, displaying a fine silver shirt with billowy arms. A wide belt cinched my waist—an ornate dagger sheathed on one side, an empty sword scabbard on the other. I'd left that weapon with the bored guard outside the temple. High, tight-fitting boots encased my legs, which I'm vain enough to believe are long and shapely enough to wear such things. Setting the whole outfit off was my finest traveling cape, one side casually tossed back at the shoulder and held in place by a golden pin bearing the symbol of the House of Antero. I knew I looked every inch an adventurous young merchant, with adjustments and decorations here and there as befitted my sex, who relished the road and was open to new friends and experiences.
    Before the priestess came to fetch me, I'd seen her adjust her robes to better show off her figure and poke her hair into place so a dark wave swept over a seductive eye.
    It was good for my soul to see such a thing, and I couldn't help but give her a wink when she'd finished reciting her piece bidding me to come greet Mother Daciar.
    When she saw my wink she blushed prettily and cupped a hand over her mouth to stifle a surprised giggle.
    "I hope the Mother Oracle is patient with me," I said, low. "For one look at you and my question went right out of my mind."
    The priestess wrinkled her nose in pretended displeasure. 'Tsk. Such behavior, my lady. Remember where you are!"
    I bowed and murmured an apology, which she pretended to ignore.
    She laid a light hand on my arm and led the way as stiffly and properly as she could. But just as we reached the Oracle Stone she gave my arm a quick parting squeeze full of promise.
    Mother Daciar's back was still to me when I stepped up. Before she turned to tend to the last supplicant of a long trying day, I saw her rub a weary knot in her shoulder. And I heard her sigh before she said:
    "The Lord Te-Date greets thee, wayfarer. If thy cause be true, thy thoughts pure, He may bless thee this day with an answer to what troubles thee."
    Quickly, before she raised her eyes, I answered, "Ask Him if you can close up shop early, Daciar, so I can buy you a drink."
    She jumped, shocked. Then she saw me and her mouth gaped open in surprise. It snapped shut and her mouth wreathed into a wide smile of

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