She's Just Right (A Fairy Tale Romance)

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Book: She's Just Right (A Fairy Tale Romance) by Diane Darcy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Darcy
Tags: Romance
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carved the bears. My sisters have them by their mailboxes, too.”
    “You made them?” Honey stared from him, to the bear, then back again. “They’re really nice. That’s quite a talent.”
    She raised a hand. “But that’s completely beside the point. The fact that you carved those bears makes my life of crime, specifically my foray into breaking and entering, entirely your fault.” She arched a brow. “Don’t you agree?”
    Trevor lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know. An accessory, maybe.”
    Honey pointed at him. “I’ll take it. If anyone asks, you’re at least half to blame. Agreed?”
    Trevor chuckled. “Okay. Half.”
    A smile still on her face, Honey got out of the truck and looked around. “What a wonderful property.”
    “Yeah. It was a good place to grow up.”
    Before her lay a huge, country-style, three level home, complete with a wrap-around porch. A breezeway separated the house from an oversized three-car garage and Honey glimpsed a swimming pool in the backyard.
    Trees were interspersed throughout a huge expanse of green lawn dotted with yellow flowers in the front yard. Off to one side of the driveway, a white picket fence separated a picnic area, complete with outdoor tables, comfortable chairs and overhead trees. Very, very nice.
    Honey walked beside Trevor to the front doors and her steps slowed the closer she got. What she was doing here? A sudden surge of homesickness engulfed her. She wanted her house, her job and her fiancé. She didn’t know these people, had embarrassed herself horribly, and now was going to spend the entire evening with them? She suppressed a sigh. Maybe after she settled things with Mr. Baron, she could relax.
    Trevor opened the door and immediately a child’s voice yelled out, “Trevor’s here!”
    Honey stepped into the large entry and spotted the child, about eight years old or so, at the top of a staircase made of light wood. The petite girl took one look at Honey, flicked long e hair over one shoulder, and ran up and out of sight.
    Trevor directed Honey into a huge great room, complete with a stone fireplace that reached to the second-story ceiling, and an overhead balcony from which the little girl grinned down at them.
    Adults and children lounged on the chairs, three kids played clue at a corner table, and a couple of men energetically competed to win a foosball game at the far end of the room.
    Laura Baron came forward. “Hello, Honey. It’s so good to see you again.” She took her hand, pressed it for a moment, then moved to hold Trevor’s face with both hands. She pulled him down and kissed his cheek. “I thought you’d be here sooner.”
    Trevor shrugged. “Flat tire.”
    Laura tsked. “Honey, let me introduce you to everyone.” She indicated a couple of older women, both with salt and pepper hair, sitting on the couch. One held a tiny baby. “These are my sisters, Linda and Lisa.”
    Both women nodded. “Pleased to meet you.”
    “And my oldest daughter, Amber.” A woman, mid-thirties, waved from an easy chair.
    “And that’s her husband beside her and...”
    Honey lost track of the names. The Baron family was big, and everyone was welcoming.
    A little girl, about three, sporting a mischievous grin and brown pigtails, deliberately ran into Honey’s legs. Honey caught the tyke and smiled. “And just what do you think you’re doing?”
    The girl laughed and reached for Trevor who grabbed her and hefted her into the air, provoking a shriek. “What are you up to, munchkin?” he growled.
    A sandy-haired man came forward to claim the tyke. “I’ll take that.”
    Trevor handed the laughing girl over. “Honey. This is Paul, a friend of mine.”
    “Nice to meet you.” Paul shook her hand, let the wiggling child go, then put an arm around the small, dark-haired woman who joined him. “This is my wife Mandy.” The pretty, slender woman looked to be around Honey’s own age.
    “Excuse me, young lady,” one of

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