She's Just Right (A Fairy Tale Romance)

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Book: She's Just Right (A Fairy Tale Romance) by Diane Darcy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Darcy
Tags: Romance
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    Dylan and Isaac both reeled their lines in quickly, set the poles down, and watched as Seth pulled the fish toward shore, his pole arced wildly as he jerked the fish up onto the dirt where it flipped on the ground, gasping for air.
    One large hook was partially imbedded in the fish’s side. “It’s big!” said Dylan. “I bet it’s eighteen inches at least!”
    They watched it flip for a while, the silvery color turning brown in the dirt and Dylan felt sort of guilty. They didn’t have a way to get it home, especially with that big gash in its side. The wound would be a dead giveaway they’d been snagging if the warden caught them with the salmon. So it would just die, wasted.
    Seth squatted down for a better view. “Maybe we should throw it back in the water?”
    Dylan was glad Seth brought up the idea first. “Okay, if you want.” Dylan retrieved the needle-nose pliers out of his dad’s tackle box. His dad’s best lure stuck to the pliers and fell to the ground. Dylan would get it in a minute.
    He gripped the dirty, thrashing fish, clenched the hook with the pliers, and pulled it out of the fish’s side. The fish jerked and Dylan jabbed himself with the hook.“Ow.” He looked at the tiny gash.
    “You okay?” asked Isaac.
    “Fine.” Dylan wiped the swell of blood on his jeans.
    Seth looked up the hill again, got out his inhaler, and sucked medicine into his lungs. When he let out his breath, he asked, “Do you think the game warden is around anywhere? We’re not gonna get arrested or anything, right?”
    “Who knows?” There was a tremor in Isaac’s voice. “But maybe we should get out of here, just in case.”
    Dylan scowled up at his friend. “Are you two serious? How are we supposed to have fun if you’re so scared of being caught all the time? Screw the warden.”
    Seth looked indignant. “You’re looking around as much as we are.”
    “Yeah,” agreed Isaac.
    Was he? “Whatever. I thought we were having?”
    Seth shook his head.
    Isaac did, too.
    Dylan threw up the hand still clutching the pliers. “Jeeze! We might as well give the warden our fishing poles. He’s taking everything else.” Jaw tight, Dylan stared down at the gasping fish. This was bogus. Dylan missed his dad. When his dad took him fishing, they had fun doing it.
    The fish jerked again and, looking at it, Dylan started to feel sick. His dad didn’t believe in snagging, or in killing anything you weren’t going to eat. Reaching down, he threw the fish head first back into the water.
    A flash of red and yellow disappeared underneath the surface, and it took Dylan a second to realize his dad’s best fishing lure was attached to the fish’s tail. “No!”
    Dylan jumped into the water and made a grab for the fish, but it was too late. The water was dark and the fish was gone.
    Dylan’s feet sank into the silt. He had helped his dad make that lure and his dad claimed it was the most perfect one they’d ever done. He loved it and would want to use it when he got back from Iraq.
    Dylan smacked the water and his eyes started to burn. “What am I going to do?” His voice cracked, which made him feel weak. Like a baby.
    Rage boiled up inside him. This was all the warden’s fault. They’d never have even been out here if he weren’t so mean they felt they had to show him.
    Dylan hated him. Hated him!
    He turned and dragged himself to the shore and both his friends gripped a hand and hauled him the rest of the way out.
    Dylan didn’t even feel the cold. “Come on. I’ve got an idea. We’re going to have some real fun.”

Chapter Five
    “There’s that bear I was looking for,” said Honey, feeling slightly vindicated.
    “What?” Trevor pulled the truck into his parents’ long driveway.
    Honey pointed. “The carved bear by the mailbox. That was the landmark I was searching for when I drove out this way the other night. You can blame him for my breaking and entering stint.”
    Trevor nodded. “I

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