Hunted: The Warrior Chronicles #2

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Book: Hunted: The Warrior Chronicles #2 by K.F. Breene Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.F. Breene
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maybe it was the fact that Sanders got that scar while killing four Mugdock with nothing but a small knife and a bad attitude.
    He cleared his throat, seeing that the lines of the arm were true and there weren’t any obvious signs of bones out of place. The man had fallen out of the tree—his post for sentry duty—and landed badly. Kids did it all the time. Plus, Sanders knew it was broken, so what was Marc needed for? Take the man to get a brace, tell him to be more careful, and be done with it.
    Marc looked up at the branches and then to the body sprawled out on the ground with his head facing the trunk. A trickle of blood seeped from a spot of matted crimson hair. It was not a deep gash, but the sentry had definitely hit his head.
    He leaned forward and delicately touched the skull. The sentry winced. Marc gently opened the sentry’s right eye and noticed the dilated pupil. The sentry had probably hit his head when he hit the ground. His body broke most of the fall, but his head definitely bounced. The trauma hadn’t killed him, but he had a concussion. He’d need treatment for the arm, and the head wound would have to be monitored.
    “He doesn’t do well when you smother him while he works.” Xavier marched up, a note held out for Sanders. He was a large kid for fifteen, with broad shoulders, a wide chest, and already stacked muscle. He wasn’t quite as big as the Captain, but Xavier wasn’t done growing, either. Too bad all the ambition had gone out of him when Shanti hadn’t returned. Almost all of the Honor Guard—the faction of five that were set to spy on, then get trained by, the strange foreign woman they’d found in the dead lands—had the same problem. Her practices had been fun, if also terrifying. Standing around in the practice yard while someone yelled at them just didn’t compare.
    Sanders glared at Xavier as he took the note. He read it before looking back at Marc. “Your dense friend thinks I’m smothering you somehow. Is this correct?”
    Marc’s eyes rounded before he stared at the ground. “No, sir.”
    “What is his ailment?” Sanders pushed.
    “He probably has a concussion. He needs to go to the hospital to have his arm set and get watched for his head,” Marc rattled out.
    He sighed in relief when Sanders said, “Stenson, get yourself to the hospital and do as the boy says.”
    “Yes, sir.” The sentry painfully rose to his feet.
    “You might, uh, go with him, sir,” Marc muttered with his hands in his pockets. “Just so he doesn’t get dizzy or lost. Head wounds can do strange things.”
    After a tense beat, Sanders said, “C’mon, Stenson. I’m going that way, anyway. These boys need all the time they can get in the practice yard.”
    “Yes, sir,” Stenson wheezed while clutching his arm.
    “Get gone,” Sanders barked at Xavier and Marc.
    The two boys took off as fast as possible without actually running. It wasn’t a great idea to hang around when Sanders was in a mood like this. A guy might find himself getting thrown through a tree that way.
    After they’d put some distance between themselves and the prickly Commander, Xavier said, “Took a long time on that diagnosis, huh? Was it Sanders breathing down your neck, or did you really not know what was wrong with Stenson?”
    “Sanders jumbles all my thoughts,” Marc admitted. “But… I don’t really think I’m living up to Shanti’s expectations…”
    Xavier kicked at a rock. “Yeah, well, she had impossible expectations in the first place. Then she left. So…”
    “I just feel like things are unfinished, you know? There’s still a ton of danger out there—I saw what the Inkna did to that city. And they have a bunch of mind-thrower people. We can’t stand up to that.”
    “We have the Captain. He’s as strong as Shanti.”
    “Except he doesn’t know what he’s doing. And who’s he going to train with? He could just as easily kill with that mind thing as do nothing with it.

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