Shattered Heart (The Hart Series)

Read Online Shattered Heart (The Hart Series) by Ann Stewart, Stephanie Nash - Free Book Online

Book: Shattered Heart (The Hart Series) by Ann Stewart, Stephanie Nash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Stewart, Stephanie Nash
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desperately to focus on my keyboard, hands shaking as I stare at the black
keys.  With one look, one spark, he controls the constant aching in my core,
something which has been dormant since he left.  Further detailing that he owns
my body.  My heart.  My soul. 
    I know he’s
close, so close I can feel my body tremble for him.  I’ve been patiently waiting
in anticipation all morning, and now that he’s near I want nothing more than to
swivel my chair and face him, to stand up to him, to make him believe he has no
affect on me.  But instead, I crumble when he whispers, “Elyssa.”  My eyes
flutter, and when I finally take the chance to turn to face him, I’m floored. 
His pouty lips perk up in a dimpled grin, body language completely at ease. 
The opposite of how I left him on Thursday night. 
    “Hi,” I whisper
in doubt.  If I can hear the quivering in my voice through the simple greeting,
I know he can as well.
    A hint of nerves
stretch across his body, showing off his tense muscles hidden underneath his
tailored suit as he crosses his arms.  His jaw line taut, “I need a favor.” 
His begging tone in combination with his puppy dog eyes makes ‘yes’ an
inevitable answer.
I would do anything for him.  Well, anything within my power.
    Watching me
closely, waiting in anticipation, his scorching eyes burn into me, testing my
weakness for him.  “I need you to stay late and help me catch up.” 
    And there it
is.  If I didn’t know he was my weakness before, I do now.  I should say no. 
No one in my position should say yes.  It will lead to expectations and drama
we both need to stay clear of.  But, the woman in me, the one that wants to
take care of him for eternity, knows what his past week has cost him.  His work
load must be absolutely crazy after the week away taking care of Nana.
    I also know this
is a disaster waiting to happen; a never wavering slow moving truck, headed
right in my direction.  I shake my head clear of all this nonsense.  Of course
I can do this.  I can help him and retain some sort of self control over my
raging hormones.  I can be selfless through this difficult time without
crossing the lines that I, no we, have a tendency to blur.
    But, I at least
need to give him one more chance to back out knowing what a colossal fuck up
this might turn into.  “Alex, are you sure you want me…”
    “Yes, I want
you…” his voice trails off as I close my eyes.  I want you too, Alex.  “I
need you…”  Shaking his head he looks down at the ground with a grin.  It seems
no matter what words he uses, the underlining meaning is always there.
    Make the pain go
away; make the hurt stop.  Please…   “Ok…I’ll help,” I whisper, fidgeting
with my fingers.
    “Thanks.  Meet
me in my office at five.”  His office?!  Shit! 
    Frozen where I
stand, I take in the sight of him.  Door left open, he isn’t aware I’ve reached
his office.  And I thank the lucky stars he hasn’t.  His suit jacket is slung
over the back of his black leather office chair, no longer sporting his slim
black tie.  Instead, he looks comfortable with the two top buttons of his dress
shirt undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 
    When his eyes
drift open to meet mine, my body melts while I attempt to tame the cowering
beast inside.  Although anxious, I shake it off with a small nervous wave as I
approach his desk.  You can do this, Ely.
    The ache between
my legs grows as I inch closer and fight the desperate urge to reach out and
wrap my arms around him.  These dangerous thoughts force me to delve into the
last time we were together.  New York.  New York was incredible, impulsive, and
nothing short of amazing.  I can still feel his lips brushing aggressively
against my skin, his hands urgently running across the length of my body.  I
can feel it as if it were yesterday…
I’ve missed you,” his voice quivers as his mouth

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