Shattered (Dividing Line #5)

Read Online Shattered (Dividing Line #5) by Heather Atkinson - Free Book Online

Book: Shattered (Dividing Line #5) by Heather Atkinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Atkinson
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his men and they left the room to take up their posts.
    Gavin stared up at the men gathered around him, caught between throwing up a front of bravado and throwing up his lunch.
    Ryan once again experienced that burning inside as he thought about the damage that had been done to Rachel. This man had been a part of that. He’d stood back and done nothing while she was tortured and almost killed. Before he knew what he was doing, his fist had shot out and put Gavin on his back. Riley hauled him upright, Gavin’s eyes rolling back in his head, blood trickling from his nose.
    “Steady on Bruv, don’t kill him before we’ve got anything out of him,” said Jez.
    Ryan dragged in a deep breath, the rage thrumming through his body. He looked to Riley and it brought him comfort that one person understood exactly how he was feeling. He walked to the metal cupboard containing the Maguires’ tools of torture and opened it up. After perusing the vicious objects within he said, “tie him to the table instead. The chair isn’t practical enough for what I’ve got in mind.”
    Mikey and Jez untied him and hauled him to the stainless steel table, channels cut into either side to allow the blood to drain away. When Gavin started to fight Riley joined in, pressing down on his shoulders until he was securely restrained.
    “What are you going to do?” said Gavin, a wobble in his voice.
    “That’s what I want to know,” interjected Frankie, voice dripping with pleasure.
    “I‘m going to get medieval,” said Ryan, selecting a pair of pliers. He sauntered up to Gavin, enjoying drawing out the suspense and making him squirm. Ryan looked down at him pitilessly. “You’re going to suffer a lot of pain, whether you tell me what I want to know or not. If you cooperate you might possibly get out of here alive.”
    “Fuck you,” said Gavin with a boldness he didn’t really feel.
    “Not a good start but then again you Sugars have never been overloaded with brains. Your oldest brother, Alan, wasn’t too gifted cerebrally either. He’d no idea I was going to kill him until I pressed the gun to his head.” Ryan had killed the eldest Sugar brother years ago in a vain attempt to set up the Maguires. Rachel had seen right through him. She was the only person who had ever managed to get the better of him.
    Gavin strained against his bonds, lips drawing back over his gums to reveal his gold teeth. “Bastard, I’ll kill you.”
    “No you won’t. You and your brothers are all going to pay for what you did to Rachel. You stood back and did nothing while she was tortured, you fucking cowards, you don’t touch women.”
    “But she’s no ordinary woman, is she? She’s a daft bitch who thinks she’s an equal to men. Alex was going to remind her that she’s just a woman by giving her a good seeing to.”
    Ryan grasped Gavin’s hair firmly in one hand and yanked his head back so hard his neck lifted off the table. When he opened his mouth in a grimace Ryan grasped one of the gold teeth with the pliers and started to pull. Gavin thrashed and grunted as the tooth started loosen. There was a loud crack and he screamed as the tooth finally gave way, blood gushing from the raw wound.
    Ryan held up the tooth for Frankie to see. “You like collecting body parts, well this is fucking mine,” he snarled, his anger enveloping him.
    “You can keep it Pal. I only like things I can cut off with an axe,” said Frankie, an excited grin splitting his face in two. He was enjoying himself.
    Riley watched from the corner of the room, leaning back against the wall, his arms folded across his chest. Ryan’s dark side was really coming out, the cool calm exterior crumbling beneath the force of the wrath it struggled to contain. Riley understood the desperate need to inflict the same pain that had been inflicted on his wife.
    Ryan turned back to Gavin. “Now do I have your full attention?”
    Slowly Gavin nodded.
    “Does Alex have any more

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