Shattered by Death (A Jo Oliver Thriller Book 2)

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Book: Shattered by Death (A Jo Oliver Thriller Book 2) by Catherine Finger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Finger
headed out of the subdivision.
    “I’m not comfortable with your professional obligations with Kira. I still haven’t forgiven her for how she treated you during your last visit. And I just don’t like the woman.” Donna’s nerves had not been soothed when I explained the reason for my visit. Kira had never been my staunchest supporter. Water under the bridge.
    “Thank you. But c’mon, it’s not going to be that bad. Sure, Kira’s an odd and elegant duck. She’ll be decked out in some designer’s fantasy, staring at me with that bemused look on her face while I serve my time on her leather sofa.” I attempted a giggle and failed.
    “And tell me again why you have to see that hateful woman.” Donna’s tone underscored her distaste.
    “It’s simple. Caring for my mental health makes me look even better as a prospective parent, especially in my line of work. And getting back to my normal activities might help everyone around me relax a little and stop focusing on the double murder. The sooner people start seeing me again instead of the all the chaos around me, the sooner I get to continue the adoption process in earnest.”
    “And finally become Samantha’s forever family.” Warmth radiated from her voice.
    “Yes. At least I think that’s my heart’s desire.” My lip quivered.
    Did I just say those words out loud? Samantha’s little body pressed up tight against mine in one of her welcome bear hugs swept through my mind, and a small smile erupted from my heart. But then a wave of fear slammed against me. I managed to keep talking. Letting the secret out had broken the dam of self-doubt.
    “What if I’m no good at it? What if she gets sick? What if, four days into this, she hates me, and I’m a failure as a mother? Then where will she go? What if I fail at being a wife and a mom?” I was wandering through the city streets, palms pounding the wheel to emphasize my fears. “What if I can’t keep her safe?”
    “You’ve got to calm down. I wish you could see yourself the way Jim and I see you. You’re strong, resilient, kind, and supremely capable. You’ll make a wonderful mother. You two belong together. I just know it.”
    “Can I borrow some of that confidence?” I balanced my cell phone between my neck and my ear as I drove. “And thank you for listening to me and not judging me. It’s like an eighteen-wheeler’s been lifted off my chest.”
    “You’re not much of an actress, you know. Live next door to someone for ten years, and you pick up on a few things. I could smell your fear from my house. You got this one, Jo. You really do. You’re going to be an amazing mom. Now suck it up and go see that frightful woman. Ciao.”
    She hung up before I could thank her again. The silence in the wake of my confession stirred up more troubling questions. My anxious thoughts kept me grounded all the way to Kira’s office.

    The Paradise County courthouse had been designed during the turn of the previous century, with corrections in mind—thick, stone walls and all. I’d often wondered if violence broke out in a courtroom whether or not the guards posted right outside would be able to hear it and respond in time. Just another happy-snappy passing thought accompanying me through the security stations.
    I kept my head down during my musings, all the way up the stone staircase and into the reception area of the Mental Health Services office. A blast of heat shot out from the open door behind the empty receptionist’s desk. Kira stood in the doorway in a stylish suit, smiling at me like a wolf tracking a rabbit in a snowstorm.
    “Good Morning, Chief. Are you ready to rumble?” She tilted her head toward her office and winked.
    Her eyes weren’t smiling. I shivered and walked past her into her office, settling myself onto the soft, leather sofa. I pulled my arms out of my wool coat, leaving it cocooned around me like a shield. I closed my eyes to calm myself, offering silent prayers

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