Shatter Me (The Jaded Series, #1)

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Book: Shatter Me (The Jaded Series, #1) by Alex Grayson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Grayson
what has made her so giddy and see the man from the other night, Nick, walking into the diner. He smiles really big at Anna and immediately starts in our direction.
    When he reaches our table, he scoops Anna up and plants a hard smoldering kiss on her lips while swinging her around. It’s so hard to watch these two. They make love look so easy. They have no worries and you can tell they are both comfortable with each other.
    When they finally break apart from their private moment Anna turns to me while still holding onto Nick and says, “I want you to meet my new friend, Bailey.”
    It’s plain to see that Nick really doesn’t want to look away from Anna, but he forces himself to anyway.
    “Oh, hey, you were in here the other night right?” He asks while pushing Anna into the booth and following to sit beside her.
    “Uh, yeah, the night I got into town,” I tell him.
    Nitra brings us our orange juice and coffee. She adds a third cup for Nick. While pouring milk in his coffee Nick casually asks, “So, Bailey, what brings you to Jaded Hollow?”
    I’ve already prepared for this question so I answer him just as casually while quaking inside, hoping he doesn’t see through my lie.
    “I just needed a change of scenery. I’ve always wanted to travel and nothing was holding me back, so I thought; ‘why not now?’” I glance down to my coffee and pretend to stir it, even though I haven’t added anything to it.
    “That’s very brave of you to just up and leave like that.” I glance up from my coffee to gauge his expression. Is he questioning my answer or is he just making an observation? He’s looking at me like he doesn’t know whether or not to believe me. Crap! I don’t need anyone doubting me. People may become curious if they think my story is false.
    Just then, Nitra walks up carrying our horrendous amount of food.
    “Sweet Jesus, Anna! Were you planning on feeding a whole baseball team?” Nick asks her.
    Anna giggles, “Nope, I’m just extremely hungry. Someone’s been keeping me busy the last couple of days and hasn’t let me up for air long enough for me to eat.” She says this with a wink towards me.
    Nick leans in and nuzzles her ear and whispers, loud enough for me to hear, “Hmm...I wonder who that could be.”
    I start to feel like I’m invading their private moment. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I’ve never been around people that are so relaxed and carefree with each other.
    Anna peeks at me and I think she notices how awkward I feel. She nudges Nick back to his side of the booth and says, “Eat up, Bailey, before it gets cold.”
    I reluctantly grab an empty plate that Nitra left for us and start placing small amounts of food on it. Nick just starts eating straight off the plates.
    While Anna is piling her food on her plate, she asks me, “So, how do you like working at my brother’s bar so far?”
    I had no idea that Anna was Jaxon’s sister. Of course, there’s no way that I would know since I just got here, but I figured there would be more of a resemblance. Jaxon and Mia look just alike, while Anna looks nothing like them. Jaxon and Mia must take after one parent while Anna favors the other.
    “It’s okay. I haven’t really gotten the opportunity to really work yet. All I did yesterday was learn how to set up. Tonight I’ll be there when there’s more of a crowd, so we’ll see.” I start shoveling food into my mouth. It tastes so good that it feels like I haven’t eaten in a week.
    “I’m sure you’ll do fine. You said you’ve done bartending before right?”
    “Yeah, I worked in a restaurant that had a bar for four years in college. Actually, that’s what helped pay my way through school.” I decide to sneak another piece of bacon and another scoop of eggs.
    “See, you know what you’re doing. It may get rowdy there sometimes, but most of the guys that go there are generally good natured. It’s not often that things get out of hand. You just have to know

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