Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete

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Book: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
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coughed and gagged, and slammed the door after him.
    I grabbed a beer and curled up on my couch. I didn’t last long there before I determined I had to do something about the smell the rotten old stick had left behind. I grabbed a can of Febreeze and began spraying everywhere, and then collapsed back on the couch again and proceeded to guzzle the drink in my hand. I wanted more than anything to go across the hall and tell that old fart to go fuck himself; if only I wouldn’t have been condemning myself to homelessness if I did that.
    I spent several hours lying awake that night, feeling the very stark emptiness of my bed. I wanted my bears. I wanted them here with me… I wanted to hold them…
    For a brief moment, I grinned to myself. They weren’t just bears; they were my teddy bears! And they were miles away. My smile disappeared again. No use dwelling on “I wish.” Reality calls.
    I woke up the next morning and heated myself some frozen waffles, a pale excuse for breakfast after Jake’s pancakes. I stepped outside into the busy, smoggy city around me. After spending three wonderful days enjoying the woods and the affection of two big strong men, now I had to endure a day of applying for jobs with employers who didn’t look any happier to be doing their jobs than I was to be applying me a job.
    The one bright spot in my day was meeting my friend Mina from my old job for lunch. We went to one of my favorite places, that sandwich joint down the street from where we used to work together. She regaled me with questions about my “hiking” trip—I’d almost forgotten that was what it was originally intended as. I got kind of spacy as I got into telling her about it. I did in fact tell her about the fact that I met two guys out in the woods and that I fucked both several times. I just left out the part about them turning into big hulking beasts.
    She told me how jealous she was, and with a smirk, she shamelessly admitted she’d always wanted to experience two men at once. She actually started asking me to get a little more graphic than I probably should have in a public place. I’m a little ashamed to say I told her anyway, but at least I had the good sense enough to keep my voice down. She asked me for specific details; what positions did I take them in? Which one did I do first? Who was bigger? I only blushed when she asked if they DP’ed me. I admitted that with how big both of them were, I didn’t think I was up for taking either of them up the back door, even if I had ever tried that with any man in the first place.
    It was a nice diversion and a nice trip back into memories of the days I’d just had, but all too soon lunch was over and it was back to reality for me. By the end of the day, I was no closer to finding a new job and finding the money I needed to keep living across from that old stinker…
    Why was I putting up with this again? Why was I breaking my back to earn enough to remain under the roof of a rotten bastard like him? As I sat in front of my TV watching the latest celebrity gossip channel with my microwaved lasagna, my thoughts kept turning back to the conversation I had with Jake on that rock. Why was I going back, he asked me? And I told him I had to. But now that I was here, I honestly couldn’t remember why.
    Was it to late to go running back to Jake and Max? Was it too early? Was I giving up too easily? Was it worth continuing to endure? In the battle between temptation and good sense, good sense didn’t seem to have too many compelling arguments. These thoughts could wait, I decided. I still had a couple more days before Mr. Norton’s ultimatum. After a few more beers and bad sitcoms, I began to wonder if I was wrong to hope I didn’t find a new job.
    The next thing I remember was waking up on my couch with the TV still on. It took me a minute to distinguish the pounding on my door from the pounding in my head. I turned off the morning traffic

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