Sharecropping The Apocalypse: A Prepper is Cast Adrift

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Book: Sharecropping The Apocalypse: A Prepper is Cast Adrift by Ron Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Foster
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    Whoever had unleashed that cyber-attack or whatever it was that hit America including the possible use of scalar electromagnetic pulse weapons on the US infrastructure, hadn’t as of yet, well that was as far as public knew anyway, taken any credit for doing it at this time or given a reason. A Cyber-attack is not the very clear and definable smoke plume coming out of a missile on somebody’s foreign shore. ... Also one must consider it’s not just the idea of the detection part of it; it's also how you choose to respond, or maybe rather when you respond. ... You may want to watch an attack play out inside your system so you understand more about it, or you might be seeing if it left any backdoors or Trojan viruses on your computer server if you are going to setoff a major counterattack. ... You may not always want to let the other side to you know “know that you know” that they are the ones attacking you and you caught them at it.
    Your response may be that you want to hit them back immediately, or maybe you want to let it settle a while and design something particularly devilish or a cyber and electronic attack of your own as a response that totally overwhelms any counterattack...
    Whatever was going on in the darkening big world, David knew to wait on several other shoes that were going to drop as battle plans now were most likely being scaled up to what is called increased asymmetric warfare. Something is coming, and the executive branch of our government has been planning for it for a long time. Whether this attack is from without or from within, the chance of a violent end to our way of life is scary real.
    Asymmetric warfare deals with vulnerabilities, leverages, and our centralized power grid was America’s greatest vulnerability. The enemy, whoever they were, had just played their first card in this little game of snuffing the candle out on civilization and David’s military background understood asymmetric warfare as the following steps.
    (1) A long insertion phase in peacetime, when the WMD/weapons-of-mass-destruction and teams are inserted, and then
    (2) An operations phase , when the inserted teams start unleashing the weapons of mass destruction (anthrax, smallpox, nuclear explosions, whatever).
    “ The operations phase is now upon us , and the next month or so to use a Chinese phrase – will be “interesting times”. Well we know we had state sponsored terrorists and spies running around in the US of every ilk for some time, just what kind of crap they were going to release now and how we were going to respond militarily was anybody’s guess. It is almost certain that some of these portable weapons have also been inserted into the U.S”. David mused shuddering and went back to his tasks at hand after one final thought.
    “ So this next year or so if he and Julie could somehow survive all its hardships would be almost biblical in scope and its scale of misery and death. These coming bad times will certainly be falling into the realm of what the Chinese so laconically refer to as “ interesting times ”.
    He and the Prepper community for years had been warning others that there are plenty of ingenious evil minds out there that are at work daily finding nefarious ways in which they can wreak terror and havoc upon other nations…It’s a real threat, very tangible and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts to prepare, and that’s why it is so important to be vigilant and advocate for more safeguards to our power grid system.
    David sat up in his deer stand quietly but still impatiently awaiting an animal to come by. He normally didn’t hunt so close to the house, instead preferring for deer to think the paths that crisscrossed his backyard and orchard as a free zone to be safely traveled so that he could observe their wanderings and migratory movements. Today though he needed to bag one and he knew their traditional approaches to his

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