Shadowmagic - Sons of Macha

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Book: Shadowmagic - Sons of Macha by John Lenahan Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Lenahan
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the upcoming confrontation until I tasted it. When Gerard brings out the special stuff then you know there’s going to be hard times ahead.
    That night I dreamt about the Oracle. He leaned forward into the light. As his wispy grey hair blew in a breeze, his wrinkled eyes smiled at me. Then with the tiniest flick of the wrist, he sent me sailing off the side of Mount Cas. I screamed all the way down until the moment I hit the ground. I sat bolt upright in my tent and stared into the darkness, willing my breath to calm and my heartbeat to return to normal. Was that just a nightmare, I wondered – or a prophecy?

    We set out long before dawn. Every campaign seemed to be getting earlier and earlier. Soon we would be leaving before we even went to bed. Essa, Tuan, Gerard and Graysea stayed behind in base camp. The last time I climbed Mount Cas it took us three days but that was in the winter. This day was dry and sunny and we set a ridiculous pace. We hiked way into the cold night and found a place to camp on the opposite side of the mountain from where the Yew House stood. We didn’t know if the Oracle had enough power over the mountain to cause avalanches, but didn’t want to chance it.
    Mom sat next to me over what was laughingly called dinner. ‘Are you OK?’ she asked.
    â€˜Other than the fact that my legs feel like jelly after that climb and I have to sleep on cold hard stone on the edge of a cliff the night before I re-tangle with the nastiest sorcerer I have ever seen – yeah, I’m fine.’
    â€˜I was talking about your girlfriend problems.’
    â€˜Oh, well I don’t think I have a problem any more ’cause after this trip I probably won’t have any girlfriends.’
    â€˜Well, that would suit me fine. Then I would have you all to myself.’
    She put her arm around me and gave me a hug that made me feel like I was five. I placed my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes. I was awfully tired. I don’t know if it was Shadowmagic or just Mom magic but the next thing I noticed I was in my sleeping roll and Dahy was shaking me awake and offering me a cup of breakfast tea.
    If yesterday my legs felt like jelly, today they felt like lead. Dad, in front, set a stride that some would call a sprint. We only slowed down on the parts of the trail that were visible from the Yew House above, then we would press against the rock face and slink along in single file so as not to be seen.
    It was nightfall when we reached the wide shelf where, months before, Araf and I had almost fallen off the side when caught in an ice slide. If we had been spotted during our ascent, we figured that the Brownie guards would be there to meet us as they had done the last time. Since they didn’t, we decided to camp the night there and meet the Oracle guy in the morning. We didn’t risk a fire but Nieve got some water hot using gold wire she incanted over and then dropped into the kettle. Dad hadn’t spoken all day and looked kinda off. I made him a cup of tea and then pointed to the stone wall next to him. ‘Excuse me sir, is this seat taken?’ I asked.
    He was lost in thought but then finally said, ‘No,’ without even noticing any irony in the question.
    â€˜You OK, Dad?’
    He noticed me then and said, ‘Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.’
    â€˜You know I’m old enough that you don’t have to play Strong Dad for me. You’re obviously distracted. What’s on your mind?’
    â€˜It’s nothing. I’m just mulling over tomorrow.’
    â€˜Or maybe you’re nervous about meeting a mother that you hardly even remember?’
    Dad looked shocked – then smiled. ‘How did you get so smart?’
    â€˜I actually have experience in meeting a mother for the first time in adulthood, remember?’
    â€˜Yeah, I guess you do. Any advice?’
    â€˜Yes, I do,’ I said, sipping my tea. ‘Get some rest, ’cause

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