The Pitch: City Love 2

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Book: The Pitch: City Love 2 by Belinda Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Belinda Williams
    Not all day. Just this afternoon. Besides, I find working more enjoyable than going on blind dates …
    Madeleine Spencer
    Grounded Marketing Pty Ltd
    I hit send before I could change what I’d typed. I wasn’t sure if it was professional to be joking with him like this. However, he’d asked me to drop my guard and let some of my humor shine, so I figured I might as well start practicing on him. My email beeped again a moment later.
    From: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    What? No more hot dates tonight?
    Paul Neilsen
    NTRtain Media Pty Ltd
    I bit my lip while I pondered his response. Was Paul just joking around? Or was he genuinely interested? Time to turn it around on him. I hit reply again.
    To: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    Not tonight.
    Madeleine Spencer
    Grounded Marketing Pty Ltd
    Nothing like being deliberately vague to elicit a response. Another reply came through, less than a minute later.
    From: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    I hope you’re not planning on working tonight?
    Paul Neilsen
    NTRtain Media Pty Ltd
    I cringed. He’d answered my question with a question. I should have known he wasn’t an amateur.
    His reply was also cringeworthy for an entirely different reason. When I got caught up in something, I had a one-track mind. Tonight all I’d been planning on doing was walking down to my local Thai restaurant for dinner, then coming home. If I got sick of working I’d probably consider watching a movie.
    To: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    Madeleine Spencer
    Grounded Marketing Pty Ltd
    I was tempted to turn off my computer after my sad admission, but waited patiently for his reply.
    From: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    As your mentor I’m very concerned. It’s important you achieve some work life balance.
    Paul Neilsen
    NTRtain Media Pty Ltd
    Alright, business addiction aside, it was time to defend myself.
    To: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    I’m not a complete loser. I played netball this morning, then had lunch with some girlfriends.
    What would you suggest to achieve suitable work life balance for a Saturday night – that doesn’t involve a blind date?
    Madeleine Spencer
    Grounded Marketing Pty Ltd
    After I hit send, I reflected on our email conversation. Was it just friendly banter between two bored business associates, at a loose end on a Saturday night? Paul’s reply arrived in my inbox before I could ponder the situation any further.
    From: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    I’m currently enjoying a beer on my front veranda. You should try it. It’s called relaxing.
    Paul Neilsen
    NTRtain Media Pty Ltd
    I’d interrupted him. He was probably with friends or family and here I was harassing my attractive, but unobtainable, business mentor. I quickly typed a reply.
    To: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I’ll let you get back to your beer.
    We can talk more about Mia at our meeting next week.
    Madeleine Spencer
    Grounded Marketing Pty Ltd
    I didn’t expect a reply after that, so I began shutting down the programs I had running. It was time for this single lady to go and grab some dinner. A new email message arrived just as I was about to close my inbox.
    From: Neilsen, Paul
    Subject: You truly are wise
    Not interrupting. You still haven’t told me what you’re doing tonight (that involves

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