Seven Sunsets

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Book: Seven Sunsets by Morgan Jane Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Jane Mitchell
quarrel with the Gods. We want the woman dead,” she said through clinched teeth as Cowboy ‘bout snapped her arms off. Hearing sirens in the distance, I took my blade and slit her shirt open, pushing my blade against her soft skin just as Serpentine had mine.
    “Scar, hurry up. We’ve gotta go. Do you need me to kill the bitch?” Bones asked, helping Emery up behind me. “Raunchy’s dead,” he added.
    “The woman is mine,” I told Dixie, looking deep in her eyes. I’d seen the evil that laid in her eyes before. She wouldn’t rest until Emery was cold. “The Heelz want blood, they can come get mine.” It took so little effort, pushing the sharp metal into her flesh. I ran it down, slicing her open, spilling her guts. Cowboy dropped her, and I watched her bleed as I mounted my bike, fighting the memories of my own mother’s death that threatened to surface.

Chapter 6
    My mind was racing the whole ride. I’d never killed a woman before and something about that invisible line had kept me sane. Now, I was going crazy inside as I pushed my cruiser to its limits to get away before the heat caught up to us. Trying not to think of the first time I’d cut someone like Serpentine had me was no good.
    I was only fifteen, tired of people saying how lucky I was to be living. Life was shit without the ones you love. I missed my daddy telling me about his work at dinner and mama kissing me at bedtime. I missed my annoying little sister too. Then I wondered if all those were childish thoughts and my mama had been right all along. I wasn’t a man at all. My sadness turned to anger like souring milk. It’s like when Serpentine cut me, his evil slinked in, and Legs had sewed it up in me. The boy she saved hadn’t woken up the same. Looking at my scar in the mirror, I’d imagine it bubbled up because the evil was trying to get out. One day, I took it out on a kid who’d done me wrong. Slit him like a frog on dissection day. Until that moment, I’d thought I could grow up and leave the Asphalt Gods MC, but the General cleaned up my mess and gave me a back patch that week, celebrating my first kill.
    With nothing but the field of stars ahead of me, my thoughts thankfully turned to my mission. It hadn’t gone as planned, but it would end on my terms. I could leave this outlaw life and give Halley the life she deserves. Thinking of her growing up with the SOS made me sick. I’d turned out to be a bad man, an evil man under the wing of a club who was a hundred times better than the Sons of Satan. Would Halley be a hard woman? Would she even want to change? Of course she will, I told myself. I’d help her. I’d cross the stars for her.
    We rode to the mountains. Emery had been well enough to ride all night, straight through to about an hour outside of San Antonio where we made camp. Trying to avoid our brothers in Texas, Bones knew a little secluded place near a state park we could rest for the day. We’d ride again at dusk.
    Emery hadn’t been shot. She must’ve fallen off my motorcycle, avoiding it and hit her head, because she had a nasty gash across her pretty forehead. Her leather had protected the rest of her. Not sure if she had a concussion or not, I let her go to sleep as soon as I laid out my old plaid blanket on the ground. The boys and I napped then shot the shit until Cowboy and Bones left to rustle up some dinner. Bones had loaded his gun, so I wasn’t sure if they meant take out or they were hunting rabbits. I built a fire waiting for them to return. With them gone, I noticed we were camped amongst the fall colors, I smiled thinking Emery would probably enjoy the view. Her face would light up like it did when she saw the sunset. It’d been a long time since I’d appreciated the view, the sky… even the sight of a pretty woman like I did with Emery. She’d woken up something inside me, a different man who wanted her to be happy.
    Watching her sleeping, I thought of her lying on the ground bleeding.

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