Seven Sunsets

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Book: Seven Sunsets by Morgan Jane Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Jane Mitchell
I’d thought I lost her, and those few minutes, well, they about killed me.
    I woke Emery up. “You alright?”
    She felt her forehead. “I think I need to get cleaned up.”
    I handed her my canteen. I’d already cleaned her up some while she was sleeping.
    “Little girl’s room?”
    I pointed to the woods, and Emery scowled before disappearing.
    When she got back the sun was setting, the sky streaked with yellows on dark blue but not a cloud to be seen. “What do you think about this one?”
    “As beautiful as any other,” she said, but I was looking at her beauty as she got that twinkle in her eye.
    “Still say you need some clouds.” Even with the gash in her head, she was breathtaking as usual. 
    Emery sat back on the blanket. I moved to sit with her but she scooted away. Fuck! She’d seen me slit Dixie wide open. Did it scare her? I tried to put my arm around her.
    She shrugged me off and got up to stand. “That woman back there…”
    I hung my head. “Didn’t choose this life, it chose me. You knew I was a killer.” I looked at her dead on. “Why didn’t you shoot her?”
    “I didn’t want to shoot one of your friends again.” Emery gave me a sullen look. Her voice shook, “I walk after California, right?”
    “Walk right now if you want.”
    Fuck—she turned around and walked. I waited, but a man can only wait so long. I followed her, caught up with her and slung her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes, taking her back to camp. Emery fought, that fire in her flickering once again. Hell, she fought and hollered so much I went to my bike for my chain. I sat her down and wrapped the length around her, tying her to a big tree.
    “You gonna kill me too?”
    “Thought that’s what you wanted.” I regretted the words soon as I’d said them.
    “Fuck you,” she all but spat.
    I softened, “I’m not going to kill you.”
    “Yeah, really? I know about Halley.”
    I glared at her. What did she know? Just when I thought I was sure… Had I been wrong about her again? Was she really after me and mine? “What the fuck do you know?”
    “I’m not stupid. I can put two and two together. You need a hundred grand to save your woman, and I’m worth that much.”
    “My woman? You’re my woman,” I bellowed, barely believing my roar.
    “No, Scar. I heard the Banshee, even though I tried to tell myself it wasn’t true. Then I heard you on the phone with Halley and her captor. Why else would you need me to go to California?”
    “You don’t understand.”
    “Sure I do. I have myself all figured out. I’m too easy. I fall too easy. I fell for a killer.”
    “I’m not going to kill you.”
    “Don’t matter. Mark my words, I’ll be dead before you can trade me off for your whore. I won’t make it back to Manul alive.”
    “You’re wrong. Halley’s my baby sister.”
    Emery looked like she didn’t believe me.
    “Listen here. Sons of Satan MC, Serpentine, their Prez—the one who did this.” I lifted my shirt to remind her the nasty mess I was. “He killed my parents and took her. She was only five. It’s been ten goddamn years since I found out she was still breathing. Known she needed me. I promised my mother I’d take care of her, and I’ve failed. Instead, I’ve been a good solider. For ten fucking years I’ve listened to my President make excuse after excuse for not being able to go in guns blazing and rescue a little girl from Satan. Do you know how insane that is?” I hit the tree beside her head, scaring her even more. “But I’ve finally woken up. It only took years on my own to do it. I’m rescuing her. The General don’t own me. I’m not one of them.” I was breathing hard, saying more than she’d even been looking for.
    Emery’s eyes were wide. “So, you’re not trading me in.”
    “No.” I kicked the dirt. “I’m not saying I didn’t think about it, but I was a damned fool to. You killed my friend, and fuck, I don’t know why the hell the mob is

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