Sensual Spell

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Book: Sensual Spell by Rachel Carrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Carrington
lightened. “Thank you."
    It wasn't so difficult to believe. She'd bewitched him easily enough.
    Laughter trickled into the room, floating down to smack Noelle full in the face. She barely had time to say her cousin's name before Ella floated down from the ceiling, her porcelain face alight with amusement.
    "Oh, Noelle, Noelle, Noelle. Have I taught you nothing? You don't let a man of such perfect beauty walk away when you have him ensnared in your web.” She kissed her fingertips. “He's absolutely exquisite.” Her long brown hair licked at her waist, and she'd painted her face with an artist's perfection, adding to the drama of her beauty. And now, with the gleam of mischief in her eyes, Ella looked particularly wicked, to boot.
    Noelle shot forward and snagged hold of the sleeve of Ella's kimono, a splashy number with vivid crimson lightning bolts and bright yellow sunbursts. “How could you do this to me? I mean, putting me in bed with a dead man was terrible enough, but to make me a wanted person? A criminal?” She gave the woman a slight shake. “The aunts will have your hide for this."
    Ella peeled Noelle's fingers away from the silk and brushed her hand down the sleeve to erase the wrinkle. “Don't get so worked up. I thought it was about time you got out and saw more of the world. You were getting a little prudish up there.” The corners of her almond-shaped brown eyes crinkled with laughter.
    Noelle wanted to grab her throat. “Prudish? I've been busy!"
    "Yes, I would imagine sucking up to the coven takes a lot out of a person."
    Spluttering her indignation, Noelle reached for anything she could get her hands on that would do damage. Ella only laughed again and moved out of the way.
    "Oh, come on, Noelle. Even you have to admit that you are stuffy sometimes. When's the last time you had some rocking fun?” A witch well-versed in wild exploits, Ella flung her arms wide and twirled around the room. “You're wasting so much of your time and energy trying to be what the aunts and the coven want you to be.” She came to a sudden stop. “What about what you want to be?” Tapping one foot against the carpet, she fixed her cousin with a knowing smirk. “Surely you have thought about breaking the rules just once in your life.” Her shoulders lifted in a careless shrug. “I just gave you a little prodding."
    Still simmering, Noelle glared at her cousin. “Is this your asinine way of saying you did this for my own good?"
    The kimono slipped off one shoulder. “Part of it, I did, but don't try to pin the old guy's death on me. He was alive and snoring when I left you there."
    "You're telling me he died in his sleep?"
    Ella shrugged with a careless attitude. “He was old, Noelle. It's entirely possible, and if I were you, I'd be more focused on how you're going to get out of this mess, rather than poor old Ed's departure from the mortal realm."
    "You're telling me you're not going to reverse the spell?” Noelle's hands clenched at her sides. “You can't just leave me here."
    Lips pursed, Ella nodded. “Actually, I can. You're doing quite well. I mean, you did manage to find solace in the apartment of the dead guy's nephew. From what I saw, a guy who could make any woman's twat twitch. Not bad for a novice witch."
    "I think he still believes I had something to do with his uncle's death!"
    "Do you really think so?” Ella sniffed the air. “Is that coffee I smell? I can't remember the last bit of caffeine I had.” She wandered towards the kitchen, with Noelle right behind her.
    "You're not getting coffee. What you will get are my hands around your throat unless you give me the words to reverse this damnable spell."
    Ella angled a look over her shoulder. “When did you get so temperamental?"
    "Since my bitchy cousin left me alone in a strange place to fend for myself ... without the proper knowledge to return to Betony!” The last words ended on a shout.
    "Temper, temper. And here I thought you paid

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