Cavendon Hall

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Book: Cavendon Hall by Barbara Taylor Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Taylor Bradford
her back.
    Daphne stared up at her attacker, the man who was pinning her down with such strong arms. He had wrapped a dark gray scarf around his head and face, and all she could see were his eyes. They were hard, cruel, and because of the scarf she had no idea who he was. And she was terrified.
    Understanding that she had no chance of escaping him, she began to shake, apprehension overwhelming her. In one last valiant effort, she pushed at him hard, but it was impossible to throw him off.
    When he brought his hand close to her neck, she cringed and held herself still. She thought he was going to strangle her. Instead he ripped the front of her blouse and bent over her; he found her breasts, began to fondle and then pinch one of them harder and harder. He hurt her, and she screamed. This he immediately stopped by putting his hand over her mouth. With the other he lifted her skirt.
    Rigid with fear, knowing there was no escaping him, understanding his intentions, Daphne snapped her eyes shut and prayed to God he would not kill her when he was finished with her.
    He raped her.
    The wild, rampaging man forced himself on her again and again. He was hurting her; pain flowed through her and she felt as though her insides were being ripped apart. She knew that to scream again would be useless, and gritted her teeth, turned her head to one side, straining away from him. There was nothing else she could do … except to shut it out.
    All of a sudden the man began to move against her very quickly, shuddering and gasping. With a long groan he finally stopped moving, fell against her, all of his weight on her. And his body went limp.
    In that instant Daphne seized the moment. She reached up, grabbed at the scarf around his face, tugged at it hard. When it came away, and she saw his face, she gaped at him in astonishment, horror, and disbelief.
    The man who had just raped her was Richard Torbett, Julian’s older brother. Still stunned by the violent attack, aghast that someone she knew had done this to her, she was unable to speak.
    As for Torbett, he was infuriated that his identity had been revealed. Bright color flooded his face as anger took hold of him.
    He leaned down, brought his head close to hers. Against her ear, he hissed, “Speak of this to anyone and they will be killed. Your baby sister and your mother. I know men who’ll do the job for a few pounds. Not one word. Understand?”
    Shock and genuine fear rendered Daphne speechless. She could only nod.
    He pushed himself to his feet, stood looking down at her. “Remember, keep your mouth shut.”
    Daphne closed her eyes. She heard him rustling through the bushes, obviously not wanting to be seen on the path. She felt as though her whole body had been bludgeoned. And so she lay very still, trying to breathe normally, hoping to get her strength back, wondering if she would be able to walk. She wasn’t even sure she could get up. Tears seeped from underneath her eyelids and trickled down her cheeks, as she continued to lie there dazed, unable to focus, hurting all over. He would not return, of that she was certain. He had taken what he wanted.
    *   *   *
    Daphne felt a gentle finger on her face, smoothing away the tears, and then a voice was saying her name. “Lady Daphne, Lady Daphne.”
    She opened her eyes and saw the gypsy girl kneeling next to her, looking concerned.
    “Genevra,” Daphne said, endeavoring to sit up.
    The girl offered her hand, and helped Daphne into a sitting position. She said, “Come on … let’s go, m’lady. Dark clouds. Mebbe rain.”
    With a bit of effort, Daphne managed to get to her feet, and immediately straightened her clothes, pulling her jacket around her torn blouse. Genevra handed Daphne her hat, which had fallen off in the struggle, and she put it on her head. Then she limped back to Cavendon, helped by Genevra all the way. When they came to the end of the woods, Genevra stopped, and gave Daphne a penetrating look. She said,

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