lure her into giving up her most precious gift, used by people who
had no idea what it meant, thrown at her like scraps of food to
entice her to become what they wanted. She’d been starved for it.
Now, the word flowed through lips she respected and trusted. She
loved her children and Mr. Baxter, but hadn’t ever uttered the word
to any of them. Experiences of hollow promises in conjunction with
the word and fear of losing those closest to her, kept a tight
leash on emotions. Instead, she’d tried to demonstrate her deep
commitment to him every day. No one could’ve asked for a better
parent, he’d saved her life and her sanity when she’d been broken
and abused. In the lock-box of her heart, her love for him beat
safe and secure. Words had always been inadequate to express their
relationship. Actions, in her mind, always won the love
    “Now, Kenton and Sven should be there with
you as well. If not, get them.” He paused and looked at some
papers. His first sentence sent shock waves through the room.
“Kenton, all three of Chastity’s kids are yours. If you’d take your
head out your ass and really look at them, you’ll see what I did
years ago. The Baxter traits run strong through them. And they most
definitely aren’t mine or your mother's. So, that leaves you.”
    Her fist balled in her lap. I’m going to
kill him for putting my business out there like this. A loud
snapping sound cracked the air. Hesitantly, she looked at the
broken pen in Kenton’s hand. Oh, shit.
    “I had Sven adopt the children to keep them
safe from your mother or anyone else who’d try to use our blood
connection to rob or hurt my grandkids. Chastity’s life would be in
danger if your mother thought she’d get her hands on their
inheritance through you. Everything will be corrected once this
situation is resolved. No one else knows about the adoption other
than the attorney. The fewer people who know, the better, including
the children. You’re probably angry at my interference, but if I’d
heard a peep from you after you had your way with my daughter then
I’d give a damn. But you hit and ran, leaving her to deal with the
situation. Know this—“Steely eyes peered into the camera. “If she’d
told me who the father was, I’d a come gunning for your ass. But
since she held that information tight, I felt like things were
consensual between you two and you didn’t do a mind job on her. No
one will take anything from her ever again. You got that?”
    The only sound in the room was Kenton’s
fast, heavy breathing. Her face and neck burned with shame. She
refused to look in his direction. If her imagination was halfway
correct, fire was flying from his nose and mouth. He'd never been
the type of person who worked well when forced. As soon as they got
a free moment she'd let him know she had no expectations of
    “There’s a reason for you to know all this
now. I hired Sven when I brought her to the ranch years ago and
shut it down. You should remember those days; you and I’d meet at
the house near Pittsburgh and spend time together there rather than
at the ranch. During that time she had the worst nightmares. I
couldn’t let anyone near her.”
    Chastity’s eyes widened and snapped shut. In
the darkness behind her lids she shrank and stiffened in the chair.
No. Please don’t tell them about that , she silently
screamed. The words locked in her throat, choking her. Sweat popped
on her forehead as shadowy recollections swam in her mind like
sharks, circling, teasing her sanity. Gripping the seat, she
trembled in shame as wisps of her past wafted from beneath the
tight seal holding her sinister memories. Memories she’d tried to
kill to no avail. Like the mythical Phoenix they rose, shining the
light on a time in her life that was so filthy. She still didn’t
feel clean.
    “I know this hurts, honey.” Mr. Baxter’s
words pierced the fog surrounding her. “But I’m not there anymore,
and they need to

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