know who and what they’re up against.” She
swallowed hard as his words washed over her. He knew. After all
these years, he knew she still remembered the awful things from her
childhood. Relaxing the death grip on the chair slightly, she
opened her eyes and listened. Listened to what he saw, and
what he felt about what he saw. He’d never told her
    “When she was five or six, my little girl
was stolen from foster care and sold into slavery, child
pornography and prostitution. It’s bigger than either of you boys
knows. They took everything from her. When I brought her to the
ranch, she’d been beaten, was dehydrated with a high fever, and
dark deep bruises covered her body like someone had used her as a
chew toy. The doctor who treated her wasn’t sure she’d make it. But
she’s a fighter.” He smiled.
    Fighter? She stared , amazed by his
impression of her.
    “Like I said, she had these bad nightmares.
Real bad. I figured it’d run its course, but then she started
talking in her sleep. That’s when I discovered the child
prostitution ring, the heavy players that’d raped her, and the name
of the guy in charge of the ring. Some of the names she called out
sounded familiar. I began taping her ramblings and investigating
these people.” He paused. Her heart raced as she tried to remember
names and came up blank.
    “They’re bad news. Let me go back a moment.
After I rescued her and two other kids from the car, I discovered
from some contacts that someone wanted these kids either returned
to the ring or taken out. The other girl was around Chastity’s age,
seven or eight, and the little boy, Frankie I think is his name,
was nine. I hired Sven to beef up security and keep her safe. He
discovered through his contacts that a contract had been engaged to
take out all the kids. They killed the little girl, but to my
knowledge, the little boy who is now a grown man, is still safe. If
Chastity’s picture has been flashed on television or through any
other media venues, then I’m afraid the contract to terminate her
may be reactivated.”
    She gasped and tried to breathe through her
tight throat. Her hand flew to her mouth. Hands trembling, she
fought to think, to listen through the hysteria bubbling beneath
the surface.
    He paused and stared hard into the camera.
“Kenton, Sven, these men are dangerous and have a lot to lose if
word gets out that they’ve engaged in sexual relations with young
children. They’re powerful pedophiles and criminals with clever
masks who live in the cream of society, married, with kids of their
own, yet they victimize helpless children. The arm of organized
crime that provides this lucrative service won’t go down easily
either. I don’t expect any of you to engage these assholes. No.
Your job is to keep my family safe. The FBI has information on
these rodents and turn over the information for prosecution. Over
the years, I’ve had to be careful, I couldn’t risk anything
backfiring, and allowing these assholes to bolt. Within the past
eight months, I finally got the critical pieces I needed to make
sure they all fry. It took longer than I wanted and from time to
time, we sent information to the Bureau for small busts, to help
the children, but now you can bring them down permanently. Back to
the criminals . . . if they've seen her in any type of media, they
will come after her once the FBI starts arresting them. Chastity
will never testify, and never allow her name to be mentioned in the
press over this matter. I’ve amassed enough information on those
sons of bitches that if the FBI can’t haul them in, then fuck it
and on to Plan B.”
    Kenton coughed.
    Chastity's stomach clenched. She refused to
glance in his direction even though she felt the heavy weight of
his stare. Fear of Kenton’s viperous mother had kept her silent all
these years. Maude Stone was a wicked woman who’d use anyone to get
her way. Neither she nor Mr. Baxter put it past Kenton’s mother

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